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Expr Language - Aggregate Functions

An aggregate function calculates some aggregate value (like sum or minimum) based on the values in a number of rows, typically for all sub-issues. Aggregate functions are written very similar to standard functions, except they use curly braces: SUM{x}.


  • SUM { remaining_estimate + time_spent } – calculates the total effort (estimated and actual) for the issue and all its sub-issues.
  • MAX { resolved_date - created_date } – calculates the maximum time it took to resolve an issue, among the issue and its sub-issues.

They can also contain modifiers, which influence how the aggregation works:

  • SUM#all { business_value } – this will force the function to include values from all duplicate items in the total. (By default, duplicates are ignored.)

See Aggregate Function Reference for a complete list of available aggregate functions and modifiers.

Any local variables used inside an aggregate function must also be declared inside the function - within the { } . 

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