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Overview of Resource Planner

Viewing your resources in Resource Planning requires the View Plans permission for the teams to which the resources belong.

The Resource Planning view shows the availability of your resources and lets you see at a glance who's fully booked, who has available hours, and who is overbooked. The view shows all the members of the teams that are visible to you, but you can focus on who you want to see in the view by filtering the resources.

To open the Resource Planning view, select Planning in the Tempo sidebar. The Weeks view is displayed by default.

Resource Planning Overview.png

The Resource Planner


What is it?

What does it do?


Planner icon

Opens Tempo Capacity Planner to the Resource Planning view - what you're looking at here!


Planning period

Select the time period for viewing and planning time:

  • Use the navigation arrows to jump forwards > or backwards < one week or month at a time.

  • Click the date picker to open the calendar and modify the date range so that you can find the plan data you need.

See Selecting a Planning Period for more information.



Switch between the Weeks and Days view.


Filter field

Click in the Filter field to display a list of options for selecting who's displayed in the Resource Planning view - see Filtering Resources.


Calendar header

Displays each day in the weeks that you have selected with the date picker (B). By default, 5 weeks from the start of the current week are displayed in the Weeks view, but you can choose to display any time period you like

To quickly switch to the Days view, click any week in this header.



View all users you have permission to view. You can filter the users displayed here using a filter you select in the Filter field (C). You can also view each user’s available hours from the current date to the future.

Click the triangle > next to User or each user's name to expand them. When a user's plans are expanded, you can see the plans for each Jira issue and that issue's current status.

See Viewing Resources and Their Plans for more information.



The main area for viewing and creating plans. Each resource has a timeline where you can see the number of hours that are planned for each day. 

Colored capacity indicators let you quickly see how their time is allocated:

  • Green checkmark is just right - this resource is fully allocated for that day.

  • Yellow progress bar shows that there's still some room left in their day. The number of hours that are already allocated is shown.

  • Red bar shows that they're too busy! The total number of hours for which they're allocated is shown.

See Viewing Resources and Their Plans and Planning Time for Resources for more information.



This is what it's all about! Create plans for each resource and view them - see Planning Time for Resources for more information.

Click a plan to view its details or edit it - see Modifying Plans for more information.


Issues side panel

Displays Jira issues from predefined JQL searches. You can drag an issue from this panel onto a resource's timeline to create a plan.

To expand and collapse the Issues side panel, click the arrow in the middle of the right border. You can also toggle Show Issues Side Panel from the View menu (J).

See Finding Issues with the Issue Picker and Planning Time for Resources for more information.



Switches to the Team planning view.



Switches to the Resource (user) planning view.


Additional options

Open the Legacy Capacity Report.


Plan time

Creates a plan. The Plan Time form opens without any information filled in yet - see Planning Time for Resources for more information.


Export Capacity Report

Exports the Resource Planning data to a .CSV file format titled Capacity Report.


Import from Jira

Creates plans from imported Jira issues.


View in Reports

Generates a Planned Time report on the current data that you have filtered in the Resource Planning view. This is a quick way to get a report on exactly what you want!



Opens a menu with options that let you customize the Resource Planning view:

  • Show Skills - displays the skills assigned to resources. See Adding User Skills.

  • Show Weekends - Days view only. Save some space and turn this off if you don't need to see weekends!

  • Show Calendar Events - Weeks view only. Displays the calendar events for each resource. Team members must connect Tempo to Google Calendar or Office 365 Calendar so that calendar events appear on the Planning board. See Viewing Calendar Events in the resource Planner.

  • Show Compressed View - Weeks view only. Switches the Resource Planning View from the regular mode to compressed mode, where plans and calendar events appear collapsed to save vertical space. See Compressed View.

  • Show Rejected Plans - displays plans even though they've been rejected by the reviewer - see Approving Plans in Resource Planning.

  • Show Large Cards - Days view only. Allows for more text to be displayed on the plan.

  • Show Issues Side Panel - toggles this panel on the right (I) for finding Jira issues and dragging them to the calendar - see Finding Issues with the Issue Picker.

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