Creating and Editing Team Roles
Creating and editing team roles requires the Tempo Team Administrator permission.
A role defines the job done by a member of a Tempo Team. By default, members in Tempo Teams are assigned the Member role, but other roles are possible like Business Analyst, Designer, Developer, Product Owner, Scrum Master, etc. You can create new team roles and edit existing ones. You can also decide which role should be the default role.
To create a team role:
Select Settings :settings_dc: in the Tempo sidebar.
Under Staff in the sidebar, select Roles.
In the Name box, enter a name for the new team role.
Click Add. The role is created and you can assign it to your team members.

The default role is flagged. New team members are automatically given the default role when they are added to teams. If you want to make a different role the default role, click the Set Default link for that role.
You can edit the name of the role inline.
To remove a role that is no longer needed, click the Delete link for that role. When you delete a team role, all team members with that role will be assigned the default role instead.
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