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Planning Your Vacation

Planning your vacation and other personal time off ahead of time is easiest to do from the Weeks view in the Resource Planning view. Vacations and personal time off are usually designated as Internal issues in Tempo. If this is the case, all Internal issues will be on the Internal tab in the Plan Time form or the Issues side panel. Note that vacations and other time off usually require approvals from your team lead or manager - see Approving Plans for more information.

There are different ways that you can plan your time in the Resource Planning view, but this is the easiest method for creating period plans:

To plan your time off:

  1. To access the Resource Planning view, select Planning :planner:  in the Tempo sidebar. The Resource Planning view opens with the Weeks views displayed by default.

  2. Use the date picker in the top-left to select the time period in which you want to plan your time off.

  3. Click and drag across the days to take off in your timeline to create a period plan. Or just click on a single day to create a plan for only that day.

    Planning a vacation

  4. The Plan Time form opens up with Period selected and the Date and End Dates filled in - make sure that they're correct.

  5. Select an Issue to which you want to plan your time. Vacations and personal time off are usually designated as Internal issues in Tempo. If this is the case, all Internal issues will be on the Internal tab in the Plan Time form.

  6. Enter the number of hours in Planned Time that you normally work Per Day, such as 8. You can also enter the total number of hours in Planned Time and select Total instead of Per Day. These hours are then divided evenly between the start and end dates of the period.

  7. If your organization is using plan approvals, select the Reviewer, who is usually your team lead, but it may be someone else, like your HR manager. Reviewers need to have the Approve Plans permission for your team to show up in this list.

    The Status will show as Pending until this person either approves or - hopefully not - rejects your vacation plan.

  8. Click Plan Time, and an email request gets sent to the reviewer.

  9. In the Resource Planning view, green check marks indicate that you're fully booked for these days, and your vacation plan is shaded to indicate that it's still Pending approval. When the plan is approved, it turns white to indicate planned time. If the plan is rejected, it turns grey with a red dot, and no time is planned for those days.

    plan approval status.png

  10. To edit or delete a plan, see Modifying Plans. If you make changes to the plan, it will revert to Pending and an email is sent to the Reviewer because these changes need to be approved by them again.

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