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Glossary | LP Classic Support

This article applies to LiquidPlanner Classic. To view the documentation for Portfolio Manager (formerly LiquidPlanner New), visit the Portfolio Manager Help Center.


A custom code associated to a time tracking entry for the purposes of categorization and/or billing.


A member that has full workspace privileges and can take over ownership if necessary.


An orange flag or red flame that appears when certain conditions arise that require attention.


A feature that creates customized reports based on specific workspace data.


An action item that represents the actual work (ranged estimate) to be done by each owner on a task

Audit Log

A record of changes made to workspace members and portal guests found in the user menu > settings.


A resource’s allotted number of hours per day that they are available to do project work.

Backlog Package

A package that has been placed on hold. It is useful for organizing and storing items that you do not want to impact your schedule, such as your product backlog, projects awaiting approval, project templates, or ongoing tasks.


A feature that compares the current plan data to saved data from a specific date in the past.

Brief Description

A free-text field in the Edit Panel that is typically used to provide an overview of the plan item.

Card View

A feature that presents tasks and projects in a board display based on custom project and task fields you’ve set up in your workspace.


A section of the Edit Panel used to capture small action items that need to be done on a task, event, or milestone.


An object used to associate projects to their external client.

Client View

A view on the Projects tab that lists all projects grouped together by Client.


A message that is added to a plan item and that can be addressed to one or more workspace members.


A plan item that contains other plan items (package, project, sub-folder).

Contract Value

A field to record a fixed monetary value to be associated with a Project or Client.

Critical Path

A navigational tool that highlights all plan items that are implicitly or explicitly dependent.

Cross Reference

A link to cross-reference to another plan item in LiquidPlanner.

Custom Field

A field you can create with custom values to capture project or task attributes.

Daily Limit

A feature used to specify the maximum amount of availability (hours per day) that you would like to allocate to a given task.


A feature that allows you to customize and share workspace data in a visually-friendly manner.


A field to set a specific deadline date for when a plan item should be completed (represented as a black diamond). Does not affect your schedule, but does cause alerts.

Delay Until

A field used to prevent a plan item from being scheduled any earlier than a specified date.


A link between two or more items to prompt the dependent item to start when its predecessor is marked as “Done”.


The action of removing a real member from the workspace.


A feature used to quickly make a replica copy of a plan item or group of items.


An [E]xpected value is the 50% likely value.

Earliest Start

The date a task or container is 10% likely to start.

Edit Panel

A single-page scrolling panel that is used to make changes to any plan item or Client.


An object used to block resource availability on fixed calendar days, such as vacations or holidays.


A feature used to capture billable or non-billable expenses incurred as part of your project work.


A saved view of a previously filtered state in the Projects tab.


A feature used to focus on specific sets of plan data.

Finish [10%]

The date a task or container is 10% likely to finish.

Finish [E]

The date a task or container is 50% likely to finish (Expected Finish).

Finish [90%]

The date a task or container is 90% likely to finish.

Finish [98%]

The date a task or container is 98% likely to finish.


An option to be notified of changes made to a plan item that is owned by another workspace member.

Full Member

A member that can view all projects, but cannot use certain functions (eg. Analytics, Timesheet Management, some Settings).


A fixed container used to hold work that is in the pipeline/requires review.  Work in the inbox is not scheduled.


An interruption in scheduling of a task caused by an Event or higher priority task.

Item ID

An auto-generated number that is unique to each plan item in the workspace.


An option to magnetize packaged tasks, which displays placeholder tasks in the order that reflects their scheduling priority order.


A member that can use some higher level functions (eg. Analytics, Timesheet Management, some Settings).

Manual Alert

A field used to create a custom red flame alert for a plan item.  The alert will persist until the field is cleared.

Max Effort

A field to record the maximum number of hours that are budgeted for a plan item.


An object used to mark fixed calendar dates in the plan.

My Work

A tab in LiquidPlanner that provides various views to manage a member’s upcoming tasks.


A section of the Edit Panel used to record relevant data specific to a plan item.

On Hold

An option to prevent a plan item from being scheduled .

Overall % Complete [E]

The % of work completed based on hours logged compared to Total [E].


A setting that can be applied to a member to turn off load balancing for that resource.  All work assigned to that member will start at the current time.


The member that owns a specific plan item – typically responsible for completing the work or overseeing its completion.


A container (grey box) that can be used to organize OR prioritize work.


An option to keep specific tasks on your timesheet every week until they are unpinned.

Plan Item

Any structural item that is used in the Projects tab (package, project, sub-folder, task, event, milestone).

Plan Structure

The layout of plan items in the Projects tab.

Portal Guest

An external user that has access to a Project Portal (no workspace access).

Priority order

The order in which your work is scheduled (from top to bottom).

Profile Picture (Avatar)

The photo that members see next to your name all around the workspace.


A container (blue folder) that represents an actual project.

Project Team

A dynamically created list of members that have assigned work for a project.

Project Portal

A limited view of an individual project that can be shared with people outside of the workspace.

Quick Filter

Focuses the view based on the term you enter (available on the Projects tab and some My Work views).

Ranged estimate

The best case / worse case scenario for how much effort it will take for a task to be completed.

Reference Field

A free-text field in the Edit Panel limited to 250 characters.

Remaining [E]

The amount of work needed to be completed for a task.  Calculated as the mean of the ranged effort estimate.

Remaining Effort

The amount of work that is left to do on a task represented in a range (best case to worst case).

Restricted Member

A member that has been granted access to view only specific projects .

Schedule Bar

A visual representation of the time elapsed since work started and the effort that remains.

Seat Count

The number of licenses that can be allocated to real people, allowing them to log in to the workspace.

Start [E]

The date when the remaining work for a task or container is 50% likely to start (Expected Start). If work has already been started on the item, refer to the Started On date.

Started On

For a task, Started On becomes the date that progress was first logged to the task. For a container, the Started On date is derived from the earliest start date in the container.


A container (grey folder) that can be used to break down a project (eg. phases).


An object used to categorize items in your workspace.


An action item that represents the actual work to be done.


A feature that allows you to associate multiple workspace members to a specific group. Useful for commenting and reporting.


A tool to track the amount of time spent working on a task.


A section of My Work in which progress is tracked for a member’s owned tasks or pinned tasks.

Timesheet Note

A free-text field limited to 250 characters – typically used to provide a manager with information on a specific time entry.

To Do List

A section on the My Work tab that allows you to quickly capture ideas, reminders, or ad hoc work. To-dos can be converted to tasks.

Total [E]

The total expected effort (hours logged + Remaining [E]).

Upcoming Tasks

A section in My Work that lists the tasks you own in start date order.

Virtual Member

A placeholder for modeling work.  Not connected to a real person.

Wait Time

The number of days that must pass after a predecessor item is marked done before the dependent item may be scheduled to start.

Week Start

An option to set the start of the work week for the workspace as Saturday, Sunday, or Monday.

Work Started

The date that progress was first logged on a task (can be manually adjusted).


A central, web-based platform that contains all of your projects, members, and data.

Workspace ID

A number that is unique to the workspace, found in the Settings tab.

Workspace Owner

One member that is responsible for the workspace.

For a complete list of columns used in LiquidPlanner reporting, including definitions and how columns are calculated, please see Column Definitions

Introduction to Plan Items
Reading the LiquidPlanner Schedule Bars

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