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Release Notes - March 2021

Monday, March 15 - Friday, March 19


  • You now have the ability to delete published URLs from your exported roadmaps to help keep your information safe, secure, and up to date! ⛔️


  • Regardless of what screen size you use, the Idea prioritization board will now showcase all Ideas.

  • When exporting a roadmap to PNG or HTML, no artifacts will remain on the visualization.

  • On-premise Jira users will now be able to connect roadmaps to their server without a hitch.

Monday, March 1 - Friday, March 5


  • We've increased the number of Components per Product Area from 10 to 50 - add away!

  • Do you use roadmap source as a Header on your Portfolio roadmap? This Header is now hyperlinked so the source roadmap will open in a new tab when clicked.


  • Header text will now successfully appear when your Header is vertically oriented.

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