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Configuring Global Accounting Options

Changing the global accounting options requires the Jira Administrator permission.

You can change the global accounting option in Global Configuration.

  1. Click Jira Administration at the upper-right, and then select Add-ons.

  2. Under Tempo in the sidebar at the left, select Global Configuration.

  3. Under Accounting, change the settings as desired. 

    1. User with Approve Timesheet Permission can set billed hours: By default, the check-box is not selected. If the option is selected, a field called Billable is added to the Log Time form, which is visible for users with the Approve Timesheet permission (or a Team Lead). A column is also available in the reports. The default value in the Billable field is the same as in Worked, but it can be edited to a different value including 0. Team Leads can select if the Worked and/or Billable hours are displayed in the report.

    2. Other users can set billed hours: By default, the check-box is not selected. If the option is selected, a field called Billable is added in the Log Time form, which is visible to team members. A column is also available in the reports. The default value in the Billable field is the same as in Worked, but it can be edited to a different value including 0. Team members can select if the Worked and/or Billable are displayed in the report.

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