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Using Accounts as Work Attribute and Linking it to Worklogs

Configuring work attributes requires the Tempo Administrator permission.

You can use Tempo Timesheets for Server to view an Account and completed worklogs that are linked to it.

Step 1: Creating a Work Attribute

First add a work attribute of the type Account to your worklogs. It's only possible to have one work attribute configured as an Account field at a time.

Configuring Accounts as Work Attributes

Configuring work attributes requires the Tempo Administrator permission.

Work attributes are fields that you can add to worklogs to record detailed information about logged time. Examples of work attributes might be: "Overtime", "Non-Billable", or "Travel time". All work attributes are displayed in the Log Time dialog box.

Work attributes are configured in Tempo settings. Select Settings :settings_dc:  in the Tempo sidebar, and then select Work Attributes under Configuration.

Creating Work Attributes

You can add custom fields to the Log Time dialog box that is used for logging time on issues. 

Before you begin

  • If you want to add a dynamic dropdown (a drop-down list for which list items are fetched from an external service), complete the steps described in Configuring external drop-down lists for worklogs.

  • If you want to add an account drop-down list, ensure that one or more accounts are linked to projects.

  1. In the Name box, enter the name for the work attribute you want to create.

  2. If the attribute should be a required field, select the Required check-box.

  3. Select a Type from the drop-down menu. Available types include Checkbox, Dynamic Dropdown, Input Field, Numeric Input Field, and Static List. You can also select Account as a Work Attribute type, which allows you to link worklogs directly to accounts.

  4. Click Add to save.  

  5. You can change the order of custom fields (work attributes) in the Log Time dialog box. Reorder the attributes by dragging and dropping rows in the table.

To delete a work attribute:

  • Click Delete on the left-hand side of the attribute to be deleted.

  • The attribute will no longer be visible in the Log Time dialog box.

Static List

When adding a simple drop-down list (Static List), you need to add items to the list by completing the following steps:

  1. When you select Static List as a work attribute type, a Configure link is displayed in the Values column. Click the link.

  2. Enter the items you want to display in the drop-down list, and click Add. Repeat this step as many times as needed. You can drag-and-drop the items to reorder the list.

  3. When you are finished, click Save

  4. Click Add to add the list to the Log Time dialog box.

Dynamic Dropdown

When adding a Dynamic Dropdown, an externally sourced drop-down list, complete the following steps:

  1. When you select Dynamic Dropdown as a work attribute type, a Configure link is displayed in the Values column. Click the link.

  2. In the API URL field, enter the URL for fetching drop-down list items from an external service. For example, you might want to create a custom field called Operations in the Log Time dialog box and have users choose an operation from a drop-down list. The URL is used to fetch the list of operations.

    URL Example:

    where you have configured the external service (at to recognize the URL and return a list of operations in a standard format (see the Before you begin note above).


    • Do not add ?callback=? to the URL. Tempo Timesheets automatically appends ?callback=? to the URL when the request is sent to the external service.
    • You can set up the external service to return different items for the drop-down list depending on the following parameters:
      • The Jira user_key of the user for whom time is logged. In this case, add /{author} to the end of the URL. For example:
      • The issue that users log time to. In this case, add /{IssueKey} to the end of the URL. For example:
      • The item that is selected in a custom field on the issue. For example, if you linked a default account to an issue and you want to display it as a field in the Jira issue view. In this case, add the name of the custom field between curly brackets to the end of the URL. For example, for the Account custom field, add /{Account} to the end of the URL. For example:
        • The name of the custom field can contain spaces; for example {Epic Name}.

        • The name of the custom field is case sensitive. You must type the name of the custom field with the same capitalization that the custom field has on issues.
      • The account that the user selects in the Account work attribute on the Log Time dialog box. In this case, add /{_Account_} to the end of the URL. There is one underscore on either side of the word Account. For example:

        • You have to use the name of the field itself, not the type. For example, if you add an Account work attribute that you named "Example", you have to put {_Example_}
        • 'IssueKey' and 'author' are the only parameters that you can send that aren't reliant on custom fields or work attributes. The only information we're passing down, other than custom fields on issue view or work attributes, is the 'IssueKey' and the 'author'.

  3. When you are finished, click Save.

  4. Click Add to add the drop-down to the Log Time dialog box.

Step 2: Linking the Jira Project to an Account

Next associate the project with the account.

Linking Accounts to Jira Projects

Linking accounts to Jira projects requires the Tempo Account Administrator permission.

Tempo accounts can be linked to one or more Jira projects so that an account can be selected from the ​Account​​ dropdown when you log your time. The Account Custom field must be added first so that there is the ​Account​​ dropdown available in Jira issues or in the Log Time form. Only accounts that have been linked to Jira projects will be available from this ​Account​​ dropdown.

There are several ways in which you can link an account to one or more Jira projects:

  • When you create an account​, you can select the projects to which you want that account to be linked. The projects can also be included in the imported file if the accounts are created with any of the Accounts Import features.

  • In a Jira project's ​Account​ settings. From here, you can also set the default account to be used for all issues in a Jira project.

  • From an account's Overview - see below.

Linking to Projects from the Account's Overview

You can link existing accounts to one or more projects in the Accounts overview. 

  1. Select Accounts in the Tempo sidebar.

  2. In the Accounts view, select the account to which you want to link Jira projects.

  3. On the account's Overview, click ​​+ Add Project Link​​ at the right and search for the project to which you want to link the account. You can link one account to multiple projects.

  4. You can also select the ​​Make this account global​​ checkbox if you want to link the account to all Jira projects. Clearing the checkbox will unlink a global account from all Jira projects.

Keep the number of global accounts to a minimum because linking accounts to many Jira projects can have a negative impact on Tempo's performance.
Global Accounts are not listed in JIRA Project settings - Accounts, and can not be selected as default Account for a project


Step 3: Linking an Account When Creating New Worklogs or Editing Existing Ones

When you log time you can link the account to the issue. Also when editing worklogs, you can add a link to the account. The account attribute you created in step one is displayed in the Log Time dialog box allowing you to select the account to be linked to the worklog.

Logging Time in the Timesheets View

Creating worklogs for yourself requires the Work On Issues permission. Creating worklogs for other team members requires the Log Work for Others permission.

You can log time on Jira issues in any timesheet. 

  1. Access the timesheet either from My work :my_work_dc: Teams :teams_dc: , or Accounts :accounts_dc: .

  2. Make sure you're viewing days in the grid view.

  3. To create a worklog, do one of the following:

    1. Click the Log Time button at the top. The Log Time dialog box is displayed.

    2. If you have an issue in the timesheet, you can click an empty cell for that issue to log time on it. The Log Time dialog box is opened with the issue preselected. You can use the Show issue lists box at the top to display issue filters in the timesheet that are relevant to you. This will help you to quickly find the issues you need to log time on. For more information about how to show issue filters in a timesheet, see Displaying Issue Lists and Jira Filters in the User Timesheet - Tempo Server.

    3. Press w on your keyboard to open the Log Time dialog box.

  4. Fill in the Log Time dialog box.

    1. You can select a different issue from the issue drop-down list. Use the issues tabs and search box to find your issue. For more information about how to configure the issue picker, see Log Time - Tempo Server.

    2. If you have the permission to log time for other users, you can select a User.

    3. If you select the Period option, you can log time on the issue for a period of time.

    4. Click the calendar if you want to log time on a different date.

    5. Enter the Worked hours and Remaining estimate, if required.

    6. Give a brief Description of the work done.

  5. When you are finished, click Log Time.

Logging Time for Others

  1. Access the timesheet either from My work :my_work_dc: Teams :teams_dc: , or Accounts :accounts_dc: .

  1. Click the dropdown arrow next to your name to display an editable field and drop-down.

  2. Type the name of the team member whose timesheet you want to view. 

  3. Click Log Time at the top.

  4. Complete the Log Time dialog box.


When you log time for another team member in My Work, the Calendar view is not available.

Logging Time with Start Time

By default, the Users can specify a start time when they log time option is disabled, but if enabled, any Tempo Timesheets user can set start and stop time when logging time. This means that the Date field in the Log Time dialog box changes to a date/time field in the enabled case. The current time is used as default.

If the option is enabled, the time is also displayed in all reports and the inline editing windows.

  • The time can be changed by writing directly into the boxes.

  • The time can also be changed by clicking the boxes and selecting from a calendar/list.

  • All dates from start date to end date in Period worklog show the same time as selected in the Time field.


A useful reading on the difference between my JIRA worklog and my Tempo worklog.

Related Topics

Editing Worklogs in the Timesheets View

Creating worklogs for yourself requires the Work On Issues permission. Creating worklogs for other team members requires the Log Work for Others permission.

You can log time on Jira issues in any timesheet. 

  1. Access the timesheet either from My work :my_work_dc: Teams :teams_dc: , or Accounts :accounts_dc: .

  2. Make sure you're viewing days in the grid view.

  3. To create a worklog, do one of the following:

    1. Click the Log Time button at the top. The Log Time dialog box is displayed.

    2. If you have an issue in the timesheet, you can click an empty cell for that issue to log time on it. The Log Time dialog box is opened with the issue preselected. You can use the Show issue lists box at the top to display issue filters in the timesheet that are relevant to you. This will help you to quickly find the issues you need to log time on. For more information about how to show issue filters in a timesheet, see Displaying Issue Lists and Jira Filters in the User Timesheet - Tempo Server.

    3. Press w on your keyboard to open the Log Time dialog box.

  4. Fill in the Log Time dialog box.

    1. You can select a different issue from the issue drop-down list. Use the issues tabs and search box to find your issue. For more information about how to configure the issue picker, see Log Time - Tempo Server.

    2. If you have the permission to log time for other users, you can select a User.

    3. If you select the Period option, you can log time on the issue for a period of time.

    4. Click the calendar if you want to log time on a different date.

    5. Enter the Worked hours and Remaining estimate, if required.

    6. Give a brief Description of the work done.

  5. When you are finished, click Log Time.

Logging Time for Others

  1. Access the timesheet either from My work :my_work_dc: Teams :teams_dc: , or Accounts :accounts_dc: .

  1. Click the dropdown arrow next to your name to display an editable field and drop-down.

  2. Type the name of the team member whose timesheet you want to view. 

  3. Click Log Time at the top.

  4. Complete the Log Time dialog box.


When you log time for another team member in My Work, the Calendar view is not available.

Logging Time with Start Time

By default, the Users can specify a start time when they log time option is disabled, but if enabled, any Tempo Timesheets user can set start and stop time when logging time. This means that the Date field in the Log Time dialog box changes to a date/time field in the enabled case. The current time is used as default.

If the option is enabled, the time is also displayed in all reports and the inline editing windows.

  • The time can be changed by writing directly into the boxes.

  • The time can also be changed by clicking the boxes and selecting from a calendar/list.

  • All dates from start date to end date in Period worklog show the same time as selected in the Time field.


A useful reading on the difference between my JIRA worklog and my Tempo worklog.

Related Topics

Step: 4 Viewing All Worklogs Linked to the Account in the Timesheets View

Use the Timesheet view in Accounts to see all worklogs linked to the account.

Selecting what to View in the Timesheet

The timesheet view is very dynamic and can be modified to display information important to you. Access the timesheet either from My Work :my_work_dc: , Teams :teams_dc: , or Accounts :accounts_dc: .

To modify the timesheet view, you don't need any special permissions. To view worklogs, you must have the View All Worklogs permission for the project the worklog belongs to.

  • Select a period: The date field shows the time period displayed. Use the arrows < to navigate to the next or previous period. Click the date field to adjust your timesheet view to show a day, week, month, or custom period. You can also switch the display to the previous, current, or next period. When viewing the timesheet as a grid, you can also click the Grid view button at the upper-right, and select grid periods.

  • Select how information is displayed: You can switch between a List view and a Grid view. The button at the upper-right shows which view is selected. Click the button to switch view. 

  • Select what information is displayed: Click Grid view/List view at the upper-right. Under Columns, select the options you want to display in the timesheet. By default, total hours worked is selected. In the List view, you can select List View Columns to display specific Worklog attributes.

  • Set date and time format preferencesClick the ellipsis (...) button at the top-right, and then select Report Preferences to access available options.

Related Topics

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