Total Hours Gadget
Viewing data in the Tempo Accounts gadgets requires the Approve Timesheets permission.
The Total Hours gadget shows worked and/or billed hours for all accounts, customers, and categories. This gadget allows Managers and Executives to track overall worked and/or billed time.
Please note that none of the Tempo Gadgets can be used in Confluence.
For information about how to add the gadget to your Jira dashboard, see Tempo Gadgets.
To configure the Total Hours gadget:
Go to your dashboard and click … in the top-right corner of the Total Hours gadget.
Select Edit.
Edit the gadget configuration:
Data set – Account, Categories or Customer, as already created through Tempo Accounts.
Display – Select the chart type to illustrate the data in the most meaningful way to you.
Period – Select the time period you want to display. Current period and Previous period are configured in Period Configuration.
Data type – You can select to show worked hours, billed hours, or both.
Refresh interval - You can select how often this gadget should update.
Click Save to display the results in a graph.

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