Backup and Restore
When you perform a Structure Backup, you have the option to include your Gantt charts and data in that backup. To include Gantt data, select the Backup Structure.Gantt option.
When you include Gantt Charts in a backup, the following information is saved:
Gantt configurations
Values and dependencies stored in the Gantt charts
Resource settings
Work Calendars
Resource leveling delays
Sandboxes, including sandbox history
Learn more: Backing Up Structure
Restoring Gantt Charts
When you restore Structure data from a backup, any saved Gantt charts and data will also be restored.
Learn more: Restoring Structure from Backup
Migrating Structure Data
When migrating Structure data from one on-prem instance to another, in order to include Gantt data, you need to select the Restore Structure.Gantt app data option.
Sandbox history is not restored with a migration.
Learn more: Migrating Structures