Add and Create Fields
Next, we’ll look at how to add a field to a roadmap.
When adding a field to a roadmap, you can select a field that already exists in the Strategic Roadmaps account or you can create and add a new field.
Add an Existing Field to your roadmap
The simplest place to add a field is the Items Tables.
Adding the Field to your Roadmap
Click the Add Field (+) icon on the far right of the table header.
In the dropdown, begin typing the name of the field you want to add, or expand the Account Fields and scroll down until you find it.

The field gets added to the roadmap's Items Table and you can now enter a value.
Selecting Field Values
Strategic Roadmaps has four types of fields: Free-Form Text, List, Multi-Select List and Numeric. To populate numeric or free-form text fields, you just type in the value. To populate list or multi-select list fields, you select values from a list.
For the tutorial, we’ve added Status, which is a list field:
Click inside the item's new field to view the available values.
In the field value dropdown, start typing to search for the value or scroll down to find it, then select it.

You've just added and populated your first roadmap field. Next, we look at how to create a new field before adding it.
Create and add a new field
If you want to add a field to a roadmap and you don't see it in the Add Field dropdown (steps 1 and 2 above), it means the field does not exist in the Strategic Roadmaps account and needs to be created. One of the great things about Strategic Roadmaps is that you can create a new field right from the roadmap you want to add it to. Here's how.
In the Items Table, click the Add Field (+) icon on the far right of the table header.
At the bottom of the dropdown, click + Create New Field to open the New Field dialog.

Inline Field Creation
The Items Table also supports inline Field creation, letting you simply and quickly add Fields to your roadmap.
Navigate to the Items Table
Locate the Add Field plus sign
Start typing the Field you want to create
Click on the + Create New “Field Name” Field dropdown
Select the Type of field you want to create and any additional parameters required for that type.

Creating a Number field
When you create a Number field, you have to specify what type (Currency, Percentage, or General) and how many decimal places to display.

When choosing Currency as your Number Format, you can also specify whether the Currency is in Euro, Pound, or Dollar.
Creating a List or Multi-Select List field
When creating a List and Multi-Select List field, you need to specify the values contained within the list.

Under the description, enter a value for the first item in the list
Select +Add A Value to add additional values to the list
To change the order of the values in the list, click and drag values to their new position.
To delete a value from the list, click the Delete icon.
When you’re finished, select Create Field
Don't worry about getting the list right the first time. You can come back and edit the list of values at any time.
The only difference between a List and a Multi-Select List field is that more than one value can be selected for a Multi-Select List field.
What's next?
Congratulations! You've now gotten through the three most important steps in getting started with Strategic Roadmaps: 1. Creating the roadmap, 2. Adding a roadmap item, 3. Adding a field to a roadmap and creating a new field. Next, we'll look at some features of the Items Table that make it easy for you to browse and edit your roadmap items.
Next Step
Step 4 - Work with Items in the Items Table