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Access Settings

Use these settings to configure which group and roles in your organization can access the different parts of Time Reports for Jira Server and Data Center.

  • Auditors Groups: Select the groups allowed to see time spent by other users.

If no groups are selected, all users have access to worklogs.

  • Accountants Groups: Select the groups allowed to see the Cost Report.

  • Restricted Groups: Select the groups allowed to see time spent by other users with the the same group membership.

    Auditors Groups allow only users of the selected groups to see time spent by other users, and users of other groups can not see other user's timesheets, only their own. Note that Auditors Groups, Auditors Roles, and Restricted Groups do not depend on each other, and therefore can be combined to achieve sophisticated multi-level permissions. For example, a user in an Auditors Group, Auditors Role, and a Restricted Group can see another user's timesheet only if they are part of the same group.

  • Time Entry Issue Panel Groups: Select the groups that can use the Time Entry issue panel to record worked hours in real time.

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