Tempo Timesheets 7.11.2
Important reading for Jira administrators before upgrading to Tempo Timesheets 7.11.2
Viewing Project Worklogs
In this version access to view all project worklogs is given solely through the Tempo Project Manager role. Users with Approve Timesheets Permission can view all worklogs owned by all team members though not configured to project roles. This is done to ensure that all worklogs can be viewed before approving the User Timesheet.
How does this affects my JIRA?
Users who have the Approve Timesheets permission can view all worklogs for the team. These users still needs to be added to the Tempo Project Manager Role for all projects that they are working on for viewing all worklogs in the Agile Timesheet and the Collaborators field in Jira issue view.
How do I configure this?
You need to verify that they are added to the role as described on the Managing Project Role Membership page in Atlassian documentation.
You can bulk edit default members to the role by specifying default members in Jira configuration and use the Tempo feature to add the default role to all existing projects in your system.
Approve Timesheet Permission
This permission is still used to grant various permissions for 'Team Leaders' in Tempo Timesheets 7.11.2
How does this affects my Jira?
Don't remove the users from this permission if they need do use it in Tempo Timesheets.
Team Timesheet
In Tempo Timesheets versions prior to Timesheets 7.11 Team Timesheet was only available to users with Approve Timesheets permission. Now the Team Timesheet is available for all members in a team. Normal users (not in the Tempo Project Manager role) only see their own worklogs in this view. Other users see worklogs for projects they are in the Tempo Project Manager role for.
How does this affects my Jira?
Users have a new option in Tempo navigation and can view the Team Timesheet for teams they are members in. They can see all other users in the team but total hours of worklogs owned by other team members are only displayed if they are in the Tempo Project Manager role in the linked project.
What do I do?
Inform your users about this change.
Tempo Accounts
If you are upgrading from Tempo Timesheets versions prior to Timesheets 7.10 and you have Tempo Account Manager enabled please note that Tempo Accounts is replacing the old Account Manager.
How does this affects my Jira?
The Account management is different and a new Tempo Account custom field has been created. All Tempo users can view Account Timesheets and Account details.
What do I do?
Reed our Tempo Accounts vs Account Manager page documenting all the changes and improvements in Tempo Accounts 1.0 and inform your users about this change.