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January 2024 Timesheets, Planner, Financial Manager Release Notes


Cost Tracker - Budget Milestone Descriptions

  • Quickly grasp your budget and budget milestones by adding a description to your milestones in your project’s configuration.



  • The descriptions are available when you hover over your budget milestones in your project overview.


Other updates

  • Fixed: Tracker dashboard items sometimes show incorrect data when creating multiple trackers.


Timesheets and Planner - Full Dark mode support

  • Timesheets and Planner fully support the Dark Mode theme inside the Tempo app.



  • When sending emails, we are using @Retryable in order to retry failed call to jira


  • Fixed: The Tempo Worklogs tab in the Jira Issue View failed to show anything if a worklog had a description that contained only whitespace.


  • Easily regenerate an existing report to include all currently available data with the same filters using the Regenerate report button.



Cost Tracker - UX improvements

  • Budget Remaining appears over the chart in the Overview if revenue tracking is off or if no projected costs are available.

  • Users can now get a printable view of the cost and revenue report.

  • Exported report CSV files include columns for Tempo Project ID and Tempo Project.

  • The Approvals page in Cost Tracker now displays a visual indicator when changes occur to worklogs after they are approved or rejected in a given period for a given user.



Cost Tracker - UX improvements

  • Exported report CSV files include columns that round effort and planned time in hours, in addition to seconds.

  • Added warning icons to better visualize when Cost Tracker projects in any portfolio summary are over budget.



Cost Tracker - Create Cost Tracker projects from structures

In addition to Jira filters, you can now create Cost Tracker projects using a structure from Structure by Tempo.

When you create a project or change the project scope, you can choose between a Jira filter and a structure. If you choose a structure, the structure tasks are imported to the Cost Tracker project, and you can track your costs and revenue as normal.

To use a structure as the project scope, you must integrate Cost Tracker and Structure.

Other Updates

  • Fixed: Tracker dashboard widget had to be refreshed after any changes were made.


Planner - Sync Plans with Jira issues

When plans are synced with Jira, the Tempo plan data is made available outside of Planner. Planned time data can be viewed directly from Jira, as well as from any app that utilizes Jira fields - if the fields selected above are available in the app, then plan data is available.

Learn more: Syncing with Jira

Planner _-_ Jira two-way sync.gif


  • Fixed: Team members would not show up in the team members section when the team included accidental service desk users that should not have been fetched.


  • Fixed: Office 365 calendar events that were displayed in the basic calendar mode were not being displayed at the correct times due to not taking users' time zones into account.

  • API enhancements for Cost Tracker

    • Exclude the expense property in the financial summary for a Time-based project.

    • Profits with a value of 0 is no longer returned in scientific notation.

    • Added an endpoint to set team member roles in a project.


  • Group by custom fields, any work attribute type, labels, and additional Jira fields (Assignee, Priority, Reporter, Status, and Sprint) in Timesheets Reports.

    The following reports support the new Group by options:

    • Logged Time Report

    • Account Report

    • Project Report

    • User Report 

    • User Approval Report

    • Team Report

    Grouping by the following custom field types is supported:

    • Text Field

    • Select

    • Radio Buttons

    • Date Picker

    • User Picker

    • Group Picker

    • Float


  • Fixed: Newly created worklogs from the Calendar/List view did not show up in the user Timesheet.

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