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Tempo Cloud Releases

The latest releases for Timesheets, Planner, and Financial Manager Cloud.


Override Closed Periods or Approved Timesheets

  • In preparation for the upcoming Atlassian worklog limit per Jira issue, we’re introducing a method to reduce the number of worklogs on existing Jira issues.

  • Using Override Mode you can move or delete worklogs from closed periods or approved timesheets. This override applies to the Tempo App and Tempo APIs.



  • Grouping by Tempo Team now uses the Tempo Team assigned to the Jira issue when grouping time records, worklogs, or plans. If present, this team is prioritized over the team the user last joined. Previously, only the information from the last team they joined was used when you grouped a report by Team or Role.


Tempo Global Permissions - Changes to Tempo Financial Manager permissions

  • The Tempo Financial Manager Access global permission has been renamed to Tempo Project Manager. This change only impacts the permission's name and does not affect any current users or groups who are granted it. No other changes to the permission have been made, and you should continue to use this to grant your users access to Tempo Financial Manager.

  • Added two new permissions that are currently inactive:

    • Tempo Project Administrator - By default, Jira Administrators are granted this permission. This will allow users to manage all projects, including global project settings.

    • Tempo Project Viewer - This will allow a user to have limited access to projects that have been shared with them.


  • Fixed: The Remaining Estimate in the Tempo Sidebar in the Jira issue view was not always up-to-date with Jira's own Remaining Estimate value.


Timesheets and Portfolio Manager Integration

  • If you leverage Portfolio Manager for capacity planning, schedule forecasting, and scenario modeling in your Jira projects, you can now pull Timesheets worklog data into Portfolio Manager

  • Portfolio Manager uses Timesheets worklogs to provide up-to-date reports and forecasts, with time tracking automatically adjusting remaining estimates that are then used for schedule forecasting.


  • Fixed: A permission check error was displayed when generating the Labor Costs CSV export.


  • Fixed: Timesheet approval comments were cut off inside the column.


  • Fixed: You couldn’t bulk add members with & in the group name.


  • Fixed: The Basic calendar mode in My Work only displayed up to 250 calendar events per week.



  • You can now group by a checkbox type Jira custom field. The first value returned by the Jira API is used to group the data.

Other improvements

  • Fixed: When you created a multi-period plan, the Capacity report didn’t display the planned time correctly.

  • Fixed: When a plan extended into the next period, the planned hours in the Capacity report and Planned Time report didn’t match.


  • Fixed: Couldn’t open a user's timesheet in a new tab in approvals.


Reporting - Raw data export changes

  • The following changes have been made to the Logged Time Report raw data export, which impacts people who use column order, index number, or column name to fetch data. These changes help address reporting accuracy, especially when rounding from seconds to hours.

    • Hours has been renamed to Logged Hours.

    • Billed Hours has been renamed to Billable Hours.

    • Issue Original Estimate has been renamed to Issue Original Estimate Hours.

    • Issue Remaining Estimate has been renamed to Issue Remaining Estimate Hours.

    • A new column, Logged Seconds, has been added adjacent to the Logged Hours/Hours column.

    • A new column, Billable Seconds, has been added adjacent to the Billable Hours/
      Billed Hours column.

    • A new column, Issue Original Estimate Seconds, has been added adjacent to the Issue Original Estimate/Issue Remaining Estimate Hours column.

    • A new column, Issue Remaining Estimate Seconds, has been added adjacent to the Issue Remaining Estimate/Issue Remaining Estimate Hours column.

    If you download your raw report data to Excel, the following changes also occur in the Logged Time Report’s Users tab.

    • Worked has been renamed to Logged Hours.

    • Billed has been renamed to Billable Hours.

    • Planned has been renamed to Planned Hours.

    • Required has been renamed to Required Hours.

    • A new column, Logged Seconds, has been added adjacent to the Worked/Logged Hours column.

    • A new column, Billable Seconds, has been added adjacent to the Billed/Billable Hours column.

    • A new column, Planned Seconds, has been added adjacent to the Planned/Planned Hours column.

    • A new column, Required Seconds, has been added adjacent to the Required/Required Hours column.


  • Fixed: In some cases, the group by option was incorrect in Mozilla Firefox.

Previous Release Notes

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