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Exporting Reports

To view worklogs for your team members in Tempo Reports requires the View Worklogs and Browse Projects permissions.

To see worklogs for other users in a project, you need to have the View All Worklogs permission.

To report on planned time, you must have Tempo Planner installed and the View Plans permission.

Exporting Logged Time or Planned Time Reports

If you want to continue working with your Logged Time or Planned Time report data in another application, you can export the report you are viewing to CSV or Excel format. You can also print a copy or export it to a PDF for sharing and printing. These options respect the filters and grouping you've selected for your report.

You can also get the raw data - where filters are reflected, but grouping is ignored. This allows you to process the data separately outside of Tempo.

The Log delay column has been deprecated. To calculate the same value, export the raw data, and then create a new column where you subtract the Work date column from the Date created column.

  1. Select Reports in the Tempo sidebar.

  2. Create or open the report you want to print or export.

  3. Click Export at the top-right, and then select an export option.

    • PNG - Allows you to generate graphic images with charts and high-level report data to use in presentations. This option is only visible if you choose to show charts in your reports.

    • PDF - Immediately generates and downloads a formatted summary report that reflects the filters and groups you selected and shows the total hours logged. The reporting period and total hours logged are displayed in the header, and the current date and page numbers are in the footer.


      The exported PDF report does not include the items selected from the Overview columns or the Work Attributes. Alternatively, you can generate a Printable view and save the report to PDF using the browser print options.

    • XLS and CSV - Immediately generates and downloads a formatted summary report that reflects the filters and groups you selected and shows the total hours logged.

    • Printable View - Opens the report in a preview tab where you can change the report's orientation before printing. You can save the report to PDF using the browser print options.

    • Download Raw Data - Downloads raw data to CSV or Excel (XLS, XLSX) formats. The data included in the export reflects the filters you used but not your groupings. The report is generated and downloaded immediately and includes all possible categories and fields in separate columns.

      If you would like to include the Approval Status column in the raw data export, check the box Include Approval Status. The downloaded raw data shows Open, Waiting for Approval, and Approved status.

  • If you download your raw report data to Excel, Tempo will create a file with two tabs - Worklogs and Users. Worklogs shows the exported data with the Worklog column as the primary key, and Users shows the exported data with the Fullname of the user as a primary key.

  • If you export your report in CSV or Excel format, the Work Date field is exported as a text field instead of a date field.

  • If you are exporting a report containing characters from the Cyrillic alphabet, you should export to PDF before printing your report to ensure the proper display of your data.

Exporting Planned vs. Actual Reports

The export options are more limited for Planned vs. Actual reports than for Logged or Planned Time reports. However, you can export your report to be printed or saved as a PDF file.

  1. Select Export to the upper right, then select Printable View.

  2. A preview of the report is displayed from where you can change the report's orientation before printing. You can save the report to PDF using the browser print options.

  3. When you are done, click Print.

Raw Data Exported Fields

Depending on your permissions, you can also export custom fields for Timesheets (Logged Time) reports.

If you have added work attributes, they are also included in the Logged Time raw data export.

If you export your report data to use it in other software or to manipulate the data using spreadsheet macros, we highly recommend exporting the data using our public API since column order and column names can change as we improve our reports and export capabilities.

If you can’t use our API, we recommend using the column names instead of column order or index number. Most spreadsheet applications have a MATCH function that can find a column index by name. You can use that in conjunction with a function like VLOOKUP that accepts a column index.

Fields listed here may not be complete, in the same order, or otherwise represent the fields listed in your report. If the field order or list is important to your process, periodically verify the report export or use our public API to get the raw data.

Fields exported from the Logged Time Report:

  • Issue Key

  • Issue summary

  • Logged Hours (previously Hours)

  • Logged Seconds

  • Work date

  • User Account ID

  • Full name

  • Tempo Team

  • Team Lead ID

  • Program

  • Program Manager ID

  • Period

  • Account Key

  • Account Name

  • Account Status

  • Account Lead ID

  • Account Category

  • Account Category Type

  • Account Customer

  • Account Contact ID

  • Account Contact External

  • Activity Name

  • Component

  • All Components

  • Version Name

  • Issue Type

  • Issue Status

  • Priority

  • Project Key

  • Project Name

  • Epic

  • Epic Link

  • Work Description

  • Parent Key

  • Reporter ID

  • Assignee ID

  • External Hours

  • Billable Hours (previously Billed Hours)

  • Billable Seconds

  • Issue Original Estimate Hours (previously Issue Original Estimate)

  • Issue Original Estimate Seconds

  • Issue Remaining Estimate Hours (previously Issue Remaining Estimate)

  • Issue Remaining Estimate Seconds

  • Any Custom Fields

  • Any Work Attributes

  • Approval Status

  • Date created

  • Date updated

  • Tempo Worklog ID

If you download your raw report data to Excel, the following fields are exported to the Users tab.

  • Full name

  • User Account ID

  • Logged Hours (previously Worked)

  • Logged Seconds

  • Billable Hours (previously Billed)

  • Billable Seconds

  • Planned Hours (previously Planned)

  • Planned Seconds

  • Required Hours (previously Required)

  • Required Seconds

  • Progress

Fields exported from the Planned Time Report:

  • From date

  • To date

  • Start time

  • Project key

  • Project name

  • Issue key

  • Issue summary

  • Tempo Team

  • Team Lead ID

  • Program

  • Program Manager ID

  • Planned hours per day

  • Number of planned days

  • Planned hours total

  • Description

  • Assignee (Full name)

  • Assignee (Account ID)

  • Planned By (Full name)

  • Planned By (Account ID)

  • Reviewer (Full name)

  • Reviewer (Account ID)

  • Approval status

  • Approval status date

  • Approved by (Full name)

  • Approved by (Account ID)

  • Approval date and time

  • Account Key

  • Account Name

  • Account Status

  • Account Lead ID

  • Account Category

  • Account Category Type

  • Account Customer

  • Account Contact ID

  • Account Contact External

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