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Release Notes - January 2024

Monday, January 1 - Friday, January 5


  • Header order is not maintained after a refresh in Time Lane view

  • Swim lane items disappearing as you scroll down in a Jira integrated roadmap


Monday, January 15 - Friday, January 19


  • Updated Item Card
    We're kicking off the year with a modern, updated Item Card which features an entirely new card style, a refreshed navigation menu, and some other great built-in features.
    Learn more about the item card here - Exploring the Item Card


Monday, January 22 - Friday, January 26


  • Duplicate email notifications for the same roadmap activity

  • Cursor resetting to the start of the Item card description text box

  • New Item Card closing when the activity logs are opened

  • Reviewers unable to add/update comments in the Item Card on shared roadmaps


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