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Team Planning

The Team Planning feature is a high-level planning view of teams' assigned work, usually represented by Jira Epics that can be used as a delivery roadmap for Tempo Teams. This multi-team planning view provides team managers with insights into the capacity and workload of each team, including planned time off and vacations.

The Tempo Planner Team Planning view automatically visualizes Jira Epics that are assigned to Tempo Teams on an intuitive timeline. Those visualized Jira Epics are referred to as team plans in Tempo Planner.


Tempo Teams are groups of Jira users who work together in some way, such as on the same project or in the same department (see Managing Your Teams for more information). Tempo Teams are also central to working in Tempo Planner.

Before You Begin

  • The Tempo Team custom field must be included in Jira Epics (hierarchy level 1 and higher), and the Start date and Due date fields are enabled.

  • The Tempo Team, Start date, and Due date fields are populated for the Jira Epics

Switch to Team Planning

  1. If the Resource planning tab opens, click the Team tab.

  2. Add the teams to the Team Planning view.

  3. Toggle between Weeks, Months and Quarters view to see the roadmap of multiple teams.

You can update plans by dragging them across each team's roadmap. You can also edit the plan in Planner to set Jira dates and team assignments.

Drill down to plan for members of a team in the Weeks view.

You can use the Work Status Filter and the Role Filter to narrow down the displayed plans. The Add Teams button can be used to add and remove teams from the view.


Create Plans

Tempo Planner offers different ways for you to plan and manage time for your team, depending on how you like to work:

  • Start planning immediately with Flex Plans and then add a Jira issue or team when you have more information.

  • In the Team Planning view with a Weeks breakdown, you can plan tasks for individual user team members. Select the Resource Planning view to plan on your resources and have more flexible filters. This also takes into consideration time blocked for calendar events and planning for generic resources.

  • Use the Jira Import feature to automatically create plans for your team based on existing Jira issues assigned to them.

  • Select the Days view in the Resource Planning view to make changes to plans for only a single day and manage the time for each team member for the current week. Use Filter the Resource Planning view by TEAMS, roles, etc. in the Resource Planning view, not available in the Team Planning view.

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