Tracking Multiple Teams in Team Planning View
Connect the work of ALL teams into one view. The Team Planning view allows you to easily view multiple teams with all their team members on the same screen.
You can also drill down on a team’s list to view plans for each team member.
To View Team Plans and Team Member Plans
In Tempo Planner, click the Team tab to select the Team Planning view.
Add the team names that you want to view the plans for in Add Teams.
The teams are added to the timeline.
Scroll across the weeks that you are interested in, to see the team plans charted out per week.
Choose to view the team plans per week, month or per quarter. This allows you to zoom in or out of the planned team plans. To do so select the tab in the right-hand corner and select Months for the monthly breakdown and Quarter for the quarterly breakdown. The Quarter breakdown is selected by default.
When switching between weekly, monthly or quarterly views, the period always reverts back to the current date. You can also return to the current date by clicking on the Today button in any view.
Hover over the cards on the timeline to view the tooltip information that includes the Issue Type, the Start date and End date as part of the displayed information.
Short plans are presented by a small block.
Plans that extend beyond the current view ends with an arrow indicating that the date extends over the viewing area.
The Plan Time button is only enabled in Weeks planning for individual resource planning and not for team planning. It is disabled in the Months and Quarters planning.
To plan for resources, switch to Weeks planning or use the Resource Planning View.
If you have a number of teams that you are tracking on the Team Planning View, collapse the teams to save on vertical space.
You can narrow down the team plans when filtering the team plans by using the Work Status Filter. The work status is based on the Jira Epic status. When nothing is selected, all Epics are shown.
To remove teams from the timeline, click Add Teams and then remove them from the Selected list. Click Apply. Those are immediately removed from the Team Planning View.
To View Team Members Plan:
You can expand each team name to see the team members' plans. Team members' plans are only shown in the Weeks view.
The Generic Resources are not part of the Team Planning View and are not shown in the teams' lists.