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Release Notes - July 2020

Monday, July 27 - Friday, July 31

  • Imagine if you woke up this morning with 93% less clutter in your house. Turns out, something similar just happened to our task server! We released a change that slimmed down the occurrence of a task that was slowing down the server, so if you take advantage of our Jira integration, you can expect Jira syncs to be more responsive. That means faster updating, less time waiting on syncs, and a happier you.

  • On archived roadmaps, we made changes so that the sharing dialog is still accessible but only view-only.


Monday, July 20 - Friday, July 24

  • We fixed a bug that was causing the “Edit Filters” button not to work correctly when roadmap items were filtered out. Now, clicking the button in those instances results in the expected action. 

  • We updated the UI of roadmaps in the Timeline view—as well as exported roadmaps—to include the total number of sub-items within the parent tooltip for better visibility.

  • If you experienced issues with attachment file size limits, we made changes to the default value of “Attachment Storage” to help avoid any problems in the future.

  • When it comes to configuring your SAML SSO configuration, we removed blockers to make it even easier for you to set up SSO yourself going forward.

Monday, July 13 - Friday, July 17

  • Your inbox is about to get a whole lot brighter, thanks to our new weekly digest emails. ✉️ Every week, you’ll get a summary of your activity across your roadmaps, similar to the example below.

  • We updated the design of empty roadmaps—roadmaps that don’t include any items, milestones, or filters—by removing existing calls to action to avoid any confusion about what actions Reviewers can perform. (These updated designs will also appear on archived roadmaps.)

  • On archived roadmaps, any roadmap fields can now be merged directly from within the field card.

  • Once an archived roadmap is deleted, any roadmap fields associated with it will now automatically disappear from the Roadmap Fields list. 

  • With a single click, you can now quickly reset all filters on a roadmap view. How’s that for ease of use? 😎

  • It’s easier than ever to update roadmaps with sub-items via CSV import, thanks to fixes we made to some field mapping issues that were causing dates on parent items not to update properly.

Monday, July 6 - Friday, July 10

  • Your roadmapping future just got a lot brighter, thanks to our new Archive feature.


  • We now support null values in numeric fields! Before this improvement, every blank numeric field showed up as a zero. You’ll now be able to use null values in numeric fields to easily show the difference between $0 and no value at all, for instance.

  • We made new UI changes that impact how you set up the Jira integration. These updates make it easier to understand what an API Token is and how you can add your own credentials to the Jira integration, like in the example below.

  • Speaking of our Jira integration, we improved the stability and performance of existing Jira-integrated roadmaps to ensure that fewer sync errors occur and the task server is less overloaded.

  • One final Jira-related update: Jira projects are now searchable within the Jira project setup. With this change, you can type in your Jira project name when setting up the integration, saving you time and effort in the long run. 

  • After some of you reported issues with the cancellation button on the billing page not being responsive, we performed a fix so that anyone with a paid account will have no issues cancelling if they need to. 

  • Within the Timeline visualization, you’re now able to lock date preferences in both regular and Portfolio roadmaps—no more manually resetting them!

  • If you merge a field, we implemented a change to ensure the selected field now auto-populates in the “Merged Field” dropdown.

  • When it comes to using multi-select fields (like team member fields, for instance), we made changes so that any selected fields now appear at the top of the dropdown, making it easier to work with large multi-select fields. 

  • When importing from a CSV, you can now change the field type during the field mapping stage. 

Wednesday, July 1 - Friday, July 3

  • For Jira-integrated roadmaps that are exported to URLs or HTML, we made improvements so that external IDs are hyperlinked within item descriptions when exported. Now, you’ll be able to easily reference Jira tickets instead of having to look them up manually.

  • We fixed a bug that was causing a "Cannot change dates" error to appear during some CSV imports, even though no dates were being updated. With this fix, parent items can be updated via CSV import even when date fields aren't present in the CSV file.

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