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Configuring Timesheets

You can set up Timesheets for tracking time in your company at any point, but it's best to do it before most employees start using it. These steps aren’t mandatory, but you can follow them to customize Tempo Timesheets for your company. 

Most of these steps require Tempo Administrator permissions.

  • Create workload schemes and holiday schemes.

    Schemes determine how many hours employees work per week and what the official holidays are.

  • Configure Tempo Timesheets to use the Internal issues of your company's Internal Jira project.

  • Decide how users can log time in the Log Time form.
    This form is where all Tempo Timesheets users log their time to Jira issues. You can configure several options such as how many hours can be logged per day.

  • Create special fields for the Log Time form with work attributes. 
    You can create work attributes for tracking time on specific things, such as Overtime or Travel time.

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