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Test Management Tips

How Do I Create a Test Plan?

To create a test plan in Structure.Testy, we recommend first building a template structure that can be reused for more than one project.

  1. Create a new structure and add folders that can contain your test issues. Alternatively, if you already use a custom issue type for testing, you can use those in Structure as well.
  2. Add the issues you need to test. You can do this manually, by dragging them into the structure. Or you can import the issues you need using automation - this method is preferred, particularly if you want to reuse the test plan for future projects!

Additional Resources

How Do I Show Linked Issues During a Test?

You can easily visualize all issues affected by your test issues using an Extend Generator. In the Automation menu, select Extend | Linked Issues and choose the link type you want to use. 

How Can I See Who Ran a Test?

Testy can show the icon for the person who updated each test status. To enable this feature, make sure Show Users is selected in the test column options.

To learn more, see Test Run Column Display Options.

How Can I Reuse My Tests?

With Structure.Testy there is no need to clone or copy your tests. To track another test, simply add a new Test Run column!

If you don't need to see a test run any longer, simply remove its column. If you want to check a test that's been removed from the structure, just add the existing test run column. 

Can I Track Automated Tests with Structure.Testy?

See Show Results From Automated Tests in Structure.Testy

I Use Mind Maps. Can I Turn Them Into Test Runs?

Yes! We have step-by-step instructions for MindMup, and if you use another service, the steps will be similar: export your ideas into a text file and then import them via the Structure Text Import plugin: structure-text-import-0.2.jar

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