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Import Tests From a Mind Mapping Tool to Structure.Testy

If your mind mapping tool has an export to a text file option with a tab-indented format, you can import it into Structure to be used as a test in Structure.Testy. Below, we show you how to do this using MindMup, but the same steps can be used for many other mind mapping tools.

Importing a Test from MindMup

  1. Create your map in MindMup

  2. Export it to a text file via File | Download as | Outline

  3. Under Format, choose Tab-indented text.  Click Export and download the file.

  4. Install the Structure Text Import plugin on your Jira instance via Administration | Manage apps (note, it is unsupported): structure-text-import-0.2.jar (for Structure 3.0 - 5.0), structure-text-import-0.3.jar (for Structure 5.0+)
  5. Go to the Structure menu and select Import Text

  6. Your text will be pasted as issues into a structure, so you will need to define several parameters:
    • Structure - select the structure you want to add the new issues to (Note: if you want to add them to a new structure, create it before importing the text file.) 
    • Project - select the project the new issues should be added to
    • Issue Type - select the issue type that should be used for the new issues
    • Check the "Use folders for parent items" checkbox if you want to create parent items as folders
    • Paste the data from the file downloaded in step 3 into the Imported Text field


Structure Text Import Options

7. The new test structure will be created once you click Import

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