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Show Results From Automated Tests in Structure.Testy

You can view the progress of automated tests using the public API. A description of the API is available at

APIs can be accessed via Swagger UI, which is available at <You JIRA address>/rest/testy/3/rest-browser/. For example, the address to our public demo Jira instance is, so the URL for Swagger UI is 

Before trying to access Swagger UI, you must log in to your Jira instance first.

Older versions:

There was no public API for Structure.Testy prior to version 2.2; however, you can still show your automated test results in the structure using Structure API:

  1. Add issues representing your automated tests to your structure and manually create a test run.
  2. Find the Test Run ID. To do that, open the View drop-down menu and select Manage Views. Mouse over the view name and select Details | Advanced | Active Specification.

  3. Next find the Issue IDs: add “#debug” to the structure board URL, refresh the page and add the Issue ID column.

  4. To send test results to Structure.Testy, send an HTTP request of the following format:

    POST <baseUrl>/rest/testy/1/run/<testRunID>/issue/<issueID>/status
    Content-type: application/json

    { status: "PASSED" }

    Replace <baseUrl> with your Jira url, <testRunID> and <issueID> with the numerical IDs of the test run and the issue respectively. Specify the test result (PASSED, FAILED, BLOCKED,SKIPPED or NONE) in the content section.

  5. To add notes, use the following HTTP request:

    POST <baseUrl>/rest/testy/1/run/<testRunID>/issue/<issueID>/notes
    Content-type: application/json


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