In this tutorial, you will learn how to track project finances by creating a folio that tracks cost and revenue for a project, associating the right skills and resources with the folio, and planning costs and revenues. You need Budgets by Tempoto complete these tasks.
Step 1: Creating a project
Beverly and her team are developing a small app for another company. Beverly wants to use Budgets by Tempoto plan employee salaries and expenses, approve a baseline, and plan for revenue.
First, she creates a project to hold her Jira issues. She calls this project UMBRELLA.
To create a project in Jira server...
Step 2: Creating issues and providing original estimates
Beverly has a pretty good idea of how much work will be required for this project. For each development task, she creates an issue in the UMBRELLA project and estimates the number of hours of work required in the Original Estimate field.
To create issues in Jira for Server...
Tempo Budgets for Server will automatically total the hours in scope to calculate both costs and revenues, as needed.
Step 3: Creating a folio
Next, Beverly uses Tempo Budgets for Server to create a folio to track her costs and expenses.
She defines the folio's scope using the project she's just created, and decides to track both cost and revenue. She sets the currency as USD, sets the start and end dates for the folio, selects the Umbrella project, and chooses herself as the manager for the folio.
From the Tempo menu, click more... in the FOLIOS section.
On theManage Portfolios page, click the Create New Folio button
or Create a folio link in the sidebar.
Select a folio scope. The Folio scope is a list of Jira issues, defined by aJira saved filter. Select from:
Jira projects – All issues from the selected Jira projects will be part of the folio's scope. A private filter will be created under the folio's creator.
Issues – All selected issues will be part of the folio's scope. A private filter will be created under the folio's creator.
Jira Saved filter – All issues derived from the Jira saved filter will be part of the folio's scope. The filter is reused as is.
Custom JQL (Advanced) – All issues derived from the custom JQL will be part of the folio's scope. A private filter will be created under the folio's creator based on the entered JQL.
Customers – All issues associated with an account linked to at least one of the selected Tempo customers. A private filter will be created under the folio's creator.
Accounts – All issues associated with at least one of the selected Tempo accounts. A private filter will be created under the folio's creator.
Select what to track:
Simple Costs – Plan and track costs only.
Costs and Revenue – Plan and track costs, revenue, and profitability.
Name – Enter a name for the new folio. Note that the ampersand (&) character is not supported as part of a title for folios or portfolios. Instead, type the word 'and' within your title.
Main Currency – Select a default currency for your folio.
Start Date – Select the start date for the folio. The start date and the end date for the folio will determine which worklogs are included in the folio cost and revenues.
End Date – Select the start date for the folio. The start date and the end date for the folio will determine which worklogs are included in the folio cost and revenues.
Projects – Select one or more projects to include in the folio. The issues in the project(s) will determine which worklogs are included in the folio cost and revenues.
Portfolios – If you want to include this folio in a larger portfolio, select it here.
ProjectManager – Select a project manager.
Risk Level – Select a risk level for this folio:
High Risk
Medium Risk
Low Risk
Description - Enter a description of the folio (maximum 500 characters).
Click Create.
Any folio that you create will automatically grant you Folio Administrator permissions for that folio.
Step 4: Planning salary costs based on scope
Now that Beverly has created a folio, she can use Budgets by Tempo to plan for costs. For the development, she decides to plan the costs using Plan from Estimates, which automatically plans how many human resources are needed based on the time frame and the amount of work in scope.
Beverly estimates that the human resources will cost approximately $35 USD per hour. For the effective date, she selects the Folio's start date.
Beverly clicks Plan, and Budgets estimates that the project will take four full-time developers to complete it in the time allotted.
To plan human resource costs...
To plan human resource costs in Tempo Budgets for Server based upon estimates you need to be a Folio OwnerorFolio Administrator:
From the Tempo menu, click the folio name. You can also click more... to open a list of all folios.
Click the Costs tab, and then click Planned at the top-left.
Click Plan from Estimates.
Under Select effort to plan for, select either the entire scope of the folio, or narrow it down using a filter or JQL function.
Under Plan Staff:
Name - select a name for the positions created.
Role - select a role for the positions created.
Cost Rate - select a planned Cost Rate for the positions. This rate is individually set, it doesn't necessarily conform to the global user rates.
Effective Date - select a date for the work to start, or choose the Folio's start date.
Click Plan. Tempo Budgets for Server will set human resources based on the folio's scope.
Step 5: Planning salaries costs based on start and end dates
Beverly still needs a project manager for this project, so she clicks on Plan a human resource. Because she doesn't know exactly how much time will be needed, she sets the salary dates equal to the start and end date of the folio, sets the Cost Rate at $50 USD/hour, sets the Planned Effort to 100%, and allows Budgets by Tempoto calculate the rest.
Given the scope, Tempo Budgets then estimates the planned time at 344 hours total, and the total salary costs at USD $17,200.00.
To plan human resource costs...
Human resources are the salary expenses you plan for the folio to incur at one point or another. The planned costs page shows thecalculated costfor each Human resource and Human resource group (title). The cost displayed on group title rows is simply the sum of the costs of the Human resources in that group. You can collapse or expand a group of Human resources by clicking the triangle icon (
) next to a Human resource title.
To plan human resource costs in Tempo Budgets for Server, you need to be a Folio Owner or Folio Administrator:
From the Tempo menu, click the folio you want to open. If you don't see the folio you are looking for, click more..., and then find it on the Manage Portfolios page.
Open the Costs tab, and then click Planned to the left.
Click thePlan a Human Resource button . You can also press o on your keyboard.
Enter information about the Human Resource:
Name – A name for the position, for example, J2EE Developer 1, Database Administrator, etc.
Category -– Either Operational Expenditures or Capital Expenditures.
Role – A role for the position, for example, Developer, Q&A, Management, etc.
Repeat – The number of positions to create. Example: if you select 6, Tempo Budgets will create six positions.
From – A date for the position(s) to start, or select the Folio's start date.
To – A date for the position(s) to end, or select the Folio's end date.
Planned Effort – Amount of time the position is planned to be active during this folio, either in fixed hours, or as a percentage of total capacity.
Cost Rate – A planned Cost Rate for the position(s). This rate is individually set, it doesn't necessarily conform to the global user rates.
Account – An account to associate the position with.
Labels – A Jira Issue Label to associate with the human resource.
Description – A description about this position.
Click Plan to add this human resource cost, or select Plan another, and then click Plan to plan another human resource cost.
Step 6: Planning expenses
Now Beverly needs to add some expenses to her folio to account for one-time project costs. Expenses refers to any kind of expense that isn't a salary.
To plan expenses...
To plan expenses in Tempo Budgets for Server, you need to be a Folio OwnerorFolio Administrator:
Click or select Tempo>Budgets.
In the Manage Portfolios view, select a folio,
Select the Costs tab, then click Planned at the top-left to view planned costs.
Click thePlan an expenseicon.
Fill in the Plan an Expense dialog box:
Name - enter a name for this expense.
Category- select either Operational Expendituresor Capital Expenditures.
Type - click in the field to select from a list of pre-defined expense types.
Amount - enter an amount.
Currency - select a currency.
Recurring - select Once, or select a frequency and start date for a recurring expense.
Amortized - select this option to spread the expense in equal amounts over a specified period.
Account - select an account for the expense.
Labels - select labels to add to the human resource.
Description - enter a brief description for this expense.
Click Plan to create the expense.
She clicks on Add an expense and adds expenses for software licensing, food, and onsite travel.
Step 7: Approving a cost baseline
With her project costs planned, Beverly submits this baseline for approval. A baseline is a simply a fixed set of costs or revenues that results from planning. All baselines can be consulted from the Planned tab and be compared under the Forecast tab.
Approving a budget sets it as a new baseline.
To approve a folio and set it as a baseline...
You can approve planned costs and revenues to help you track their evolution. Approving a budget sets it as a baseline, storing it for future reference. A baseline is a point of comparison or a benchmark. You can create multiple baselines, so you can compare and contrast various planning scenarios and approve the one that best suits your budget. Once a budget has been approved, you can always switch back to draft mode to continue editing it. The latest baseline is used for all calculations throughout the folio, from the financial information and health indices displayed in the Overview, to the forecasts and reports.
To approve a budget and set it as a baseline in Tempo Budgets for Server you must be the Folio Owner or be an Administrator for the folio:
From the Tempo menu, click the folio you want to open. If you don't see the folio you are looking for, click more..., and then find it on the Manage Portfolios page.
Open the Costs or Revenues tab, and then click Planned on the left.
In the top-right corner of the folio, click Approve.
Enter information about the baseline:
Name – the name of the baseline. Each baseline must have a unique name.
Approved By – the name of the user who will approve the baseline.
Description – a detailed description of the baseline.
Click Save. The view is switched to Baseline mode and the budget cannot be edited.
To open a baseline...
To open a baseline in Tempo Budgets for Server, you must be the Folio Owneror Folio Administrator:
From the Tempo menu, click the folio you want to open. If you don't see the folio you are looking for, click more..., and then find it on the Manage Portfolios page.
You can open a baseline for Planned Costs or Planned Revenues. Depending on the baseline you want to edit, open the Costs or the Revenue tab, and then click Planned to the left.
In the top-right corner of the folio, click the ellipses (...).
Click Open Baseline.
Select the baseline, and then click Open.
To edit a baseline...
You can change a baseline's name, select a different approver, and edit the description. To edit a baseline in Tempo Budgets for Server, you must be the Folio Owneror Folio Administrator for the folio:
From the Tempo menu, click the folio you want to edit. If you don't see the folio you are looking for, click more..., and then find it on the Manage Portfolios page.
You can open a baseline for Planned Costs or Planned Revenues. Depending on the baseline you want to edit, open the Costs or the Revenue tab, and then click Planned to the left.
In the top-right corner of the folio, click the ellipses (...).
Click Open Baseline.
Select the baseline, and then click the pencil icon.
Make the desired changes in the Edit baseline dialog box:
Name – The name of the baseline. Each baseline must have a unique name.
Approved By – The name of the user who will approve the baseline.
Description – A detailed description of the baseline.
Click Save.
Step 8: Planning a revenue
Now that her baseline of planned costs has been approved, Beverly can plan for revenues. For this project, she's expecting the revenue to come from a contract as well as from hourly consulting fees for development.
She adds the planned revenue from the contract using Plan a revenue.
To plan a revenue...
To plan a revenue inTempo Budgets for Server, you must be theFolio Owneror Folio Administrator:
Select your folio using Tempo>(folio name).
Using the top bar, view planned costs by selecting Revenue, and then Planned.
SelectPlan a revenue (a).
Enter information about the revenue:
Name- enter a name for this revenue
Category- select either Operational Expendituresor Capital Expenditures.
Type- select a type for the revenue.
Amount- enter the amount of the revenue.
Currency- enter the currency for the expense.
Recurring- select Once, or select a period for a recurring revenue.
Amortized- select this option to spread the revenue in equal amounts over a specified period.
Account - select an account to link.
Labels- select labels to add to the human resource.
Description- add a description about this position.
ClickPlanto complete revenue planning, or select Plan anotherand click Plan to continue planning revenues.
Step 9: Planning consulting revenue
Next, Beverly uses Plan a Consulting Revenue to set revenue from four consultants, and selects the dates to match the folio start and end dates.
She sets the Planned Effort at 95% (giving some room for meetings and other administrative time) and sets the Price Rate at $95 USD per hour.
To plan consulting revenue...
To plan consulting revenue inTempo Budgets for Server, you must be thefolio owneror be anadministratorfor the folio:
Select a folio using Tempo>(folio name).
Select the Revenue tab then click Planned to view the Total Planned Revenue page.
ClickPlan a consulting revenue (o).
Enter information about the planned revenue:
Name- enter a name for the revenue
Role - select a role for the planned consultants.
Repeat - select the number of human resources to plan the consulting revenue for.
From- enter the date to start calculating revenue, or select the Folio start date.
To- enter the date to stop calculating revenue, or select the Folio end date.
Planned Effort- enter the planned effort for the position, either in fixed hours, or as a percentage of total capacity.
Price Rate- enter or select a Price Rate for the consultants.
Account - select an account to link.
Labels- select Jira issue labels to associate with the human resource.
Description- enter a description about this position.
ClickPlanto complete consulting revenue planning, or select Plan anotherand click Plan to continue planning consulting revenues.
Using these projections, Tempo Budgets for Server calculates the total revenue as USD$ 124,184.00.
Step 10: Approving a revenue baseline
With her project revenues planned, Beverly submits the revenue baseline for approval. She now has an estimate of the planned costs of the project, the planned revenues of the project, and the expected profitability.
To approve a folio...
You can approve planned costs and revenues to help you track their evolution. Approving a budget sets it as a baseline, storing it for future reference. A baseline is a point of comparison or a benchmark. You can create multiple baselines, so you can compare and contrast various planning scenarios and approve the one that best suits your budget. Once a budget has been approved, you can always switch back to draft mode to continue editing it. The latest baseline is used for all calculations throughout the folio, from the financial information and health indices displayed in the Overview, to the forecasts and reports.
To approve a budget and set it as a baseline in Tempo Budgets for Server you must be the Folio Owner or be an Administrator for the folio:
From the Tempo menu, click the folio you want to open. If you don't see the folio you are looking for, click more..., and then find it on the Manage Portfolios page.
Open the Costs or Revenues tab, and then click Planned on the left.
In the top-right corner of the folio, click Approve.
Enter information about the baseline:
Name – the name of the baseline. Each baseline must have a unique name.
Approved By – the name of the user who will approve the baseline.
Description – a detailed description of the baseline.
Click Save. The view is switched to Baseline mode and the budget cannot be edited.
Step 11: Adding staff
Beverly got approval to move forward with the project, and now it's time to add actual staff members to the folio. Since Beverly does not have a Tempo Team configured for this project, she'll add configure staff members individually.
To add staff members to a folio...
To add staff members to a folio inTempo Budgets for Server, you must be the Folio Owner or be an Administratorfor the folio:
Select your folio using Tempo>(folio name).
Select the Staff tab, then select Staff Members at the top-left.
ClickAdd a staff member (o).
Enter information about the staff member:
Staff Member - select the name of the staff member from the list of Budgets users.
Role - select a role for the staff member in this folio.
OvertimeRule - if applicable, select an Overtime Rule to use for the staff member.
WeeklySchedule - select a Weekly Schedule for the staff member.
Holiday Schedule - select a Holiday Schedule for the staff member.
From- enter the start date, or select the Folio start date.
To- enter the end date, or select the Folio end date.
Availability - enter the availability for the staff member, either in fixed hours, or as a percentage of total capacity.
Cost Rate - enter the Cost Rate for the staff member. This can be individually set, or if the folio uses Global User Rates, the rate will be set automatically.
Description- enter a description for the staff member.
Click Add to add a new staff member, or select Add another and then Add to add more than one staff member.
Beverly adds Gregory Nolan as a developer, using the default Weekly schedule and Holidays. She sets the From and To dates equal to the folio's start and end dates, and sets his availability to 100%. Budgets by Tempo plans 344 hours of development time for Gregory based upon his schedule and the dates of the folio.
After she has added Gregory to the project, she does the same for three other developers.
Step 12: Setting cost and price rates for the folio
For this project, Beverly wants to follow the established pricing for both costs and consulting revenues.
Therefore, she sets the Cost Rate for each employee as synchronized with the Cost Rates table. If she prefers, Beverly can de-synchronize the folio from the cost rates table using the the Folio Accounting options.
To use global rates in a folio...
To use global rates for a folio in Tempo Budgets for Serveryou must be the Folio Owneror Folio Administrator:
Select your folio using Tempo>(folio name).
In the top bar, click Folio, and then Configure.
In the left sidebar, click Accounting.
Select or deselect Use Global Rates to synchronize the Cost Rates for staff in the folio with the Global Cost Rates.
Now that Beverly has set the cost rate synchronized with a global Cost Rate table, she can do the same thing for revenues. She sets the price of consulting to synchronize with a Price Table.
To use price tables for consulting revenues in a folio...
To use price tables for consulting revenues inTempo Budgets for Server, you must be the Folio Owneror Folio Administrator:
Select your folio using Tempo>(folio name).
At the top-right, click Folio, then select Configure from the dropdown.
In the left sidebar, click Accounting.
Select Use price table for consulting revenues to make all consulting revenues in this folio use hourly rates taken from a price table.
You can click the price table name to see a list of available Price tables. Select the table you want to use. Note that if the selected Price table is later deleted, the folio will revert to using the default price table and a warning will be displayed next to the Price table field.
Click to enlarge
Step 13: Adding revenues to a folio
The project is approved, the contract is signed, and the cheque clears!
Beverly clicks on the planned revenue from the initial contract and selects Copy to actual (V) to copy the planned revenue and post the first income for the project.
Alternatively, she can copy items of planned revenue into actual revenue.
To copy planned revenue to actual revenue...
To copy planned revenue to actual revenue in Tempo Budgets for Server, you must be theFolio Owneror Folio Administrator:
Select your folio using Tempo>(folio name).
Using the top bar, view planned costs by selecting Revenue, and then Planned.
In the right sidebar, click on the ellipses (...) and select Copy to Actual (V).
The Planned Revenue will be copied to Actual Revenue.
Step 14: Adding a consulting revenue
To add consulting revenues to the folio, Beverly must now select which of the folio staff to add as consultants. The revenue added to the portfolio from consulting will also depend on the start and end dates of the consultancy, the billable ratio, and the individual price rate or price tables.
To add a consulting revenue...
To add consulting revenue to a folio inTempo Budgets for Server, you must be the Folio owner or Folio administrator:
Click or select Tempo>Budgets.
In theManage Portfoliosview, select a folio,
Select the Revenue tab, then select Actual at the upper-left.
Add a consulting revenue by:
SelectAdd a Consulting Revenue (o) or
In the Worklog Inspector, under Not registered as consulting revenue, use the plus sign (+) to add the staff member as a consultant.
Enter information about the consulting revenue:
Staff Member - the name of the staff member added as a consultant.
Role- select the role the staff member will perform.
OvertimeRule- select an overtime rule for the staff member.
WeeklySchedule- select a Weekly Schedule for the staff member.
Holiday Schedule - select a Holiday Schedule for the staff member.
From- enter a start date, or select the Folio start date.
To- enter an end date, or select the Folio end date.
Billable Ratio - enter the billable ratio as a percentage of total capacity.
Price Rate - enter the Price Ratefor the staff member. You can set this individually, or if the folio uses Price Rate Tables, it will be set automatically.
Account - select the account to link to the consulting revenue.
Description- add a description for the staff member.
Click Addto add a new staff member, or select Add anotherand then Add to add more than one staff member.
Step 15: Synchronizing the folio with billed hours
Beverly has assigned some of the folio staff members as contractors, but they won't be working on contracting work all the time, so she would like the team to divide their work between billable and non-billable hours. She sets this option using the Folio Accounting screen.
To synchronize a folio with billed hours...
To synchronize a folio with billed hours in Tempo Budgets for Server, you must be the Folio Owneror Folio Administrator:
Select your folio using Tempo>(folio name).
At the top-right, click Folio then select Configure.
In the Folio Configuration sidebar at the left, select Accounting.
Select Synchronise with the Tempo billed hours to synchronize the the folio with billed hours.
Click to enlarge
Step 16: Using reports
For more detailed information on variance, profitability, and steering, Beverly can configure the Reports feature the display information as she prefers.
To configure a forecast report...
To configure a forecast report in Tempo Budgets for Server, you need Folio Owner or Folio Administrator permissions:
Select your folio using Tempo>(folio name).
Click the Report tab at the top (or press '5')
Click Show Report for the Forecast Report.
Configure the report:
Enter a minimum and maximum amount in Min Amount and Max Amount fields at the top of the report.
Use the date picker to select a Start Date and End Date. You can click Reset to start over.
Set the report parameters at the right:
From the For dropdown select either Costs or Revenues, and from the Account dropdown select the account to associate with this report.
Select the Folios, Categories, or Roles that you wish to include in the report.
To configure an issue costs report...
To configure an issue costs report in Tempo Budgets for Server, you need Folio Owner or Folio Administrator permissions:
Select your folio using Tempo>(folio name).
Click the Report tab at the top (or press '5')
Select Issue Costs Report and click Show Report.
Configure the report:
For - Specifies which financial data source to use.
Actual Cost displays folio'sIssuesactual cost.
Actual Revenue displays thefolio'sIssuesactualrevenues cost
From - The Report Start Date. Click the Folio start link to set the report start date to the Folio's start date. If the report start date is before the Folio's start date, only expenses with an incurred date later than the Folio's start date are displayed.
To - The report end Date. Clicking on theTodaylink sets the report end date to be today's date.
Account - This allows you to display amounts of all expenses/revenues and worklogs of issues link to the selected account.
Label - This allows you to display cost of issues for the selected Jira Issue Label. (not available at the portfolio level). Only expenses with the specified label will be use to calculate issue cost.
Custom Fields - In the image below, 'Country' and 'Invoice Number' are custom fields. All custom fields of the type SELECT and TEXT will be added as parameters. The options are based on the values used by the folio items. This allows you to display amounts for the selected custom field values.
Issue Types - Issue types to display in the report.
To configure an Expense Revenue report...
To configure an expenses and revenue report in Tempo Budgets for Server, you need Folio Owneror Folio Administrator permissions:
Select your folio using Tempo>(folio name).
Click the Report tab at the top (or press '5')
Select Expenses / Revenue Report and click Show Report.
Configure the report:
For - Determines which financial data source to use.
Actual Costdisplays Folio actual expenses within the selected Start and End date(Start and End date included).
Planned Costdisplays planned costs expenses.
Actual Revenuedisplays actual revenues entries.
Planned Revenuedisplays planned revenues entries.
From - sets the report Start Date.Clicking on the Folio start link sets the report start date to be the Folio's start date. If the report start date is before the Folio's start date, only expenses with a incurred date later than the Folio's start date is displayed.
To - sets the report End Date.Clicking on theFolio endlink sets the report end date to be theFolio's end date.There is no end date limitation like it is the case for the report's start date, therefore expenses incurred after today are future known cost.Unassigned positionsof the folio are not included in the expenses report.
Display ResultsBy - This allows you to break down the information by week, 2 weeks, 4 weeks, Quarter, Calendar Year, or Fiscal Year. Total means no breakdown will occur; all issues for the selected period will be included in a single section. Note that report start date "day" will be the periods starting day. This means if your report start date is a Tuesday and the frequency is Weekly the report will display weekly expenses from Tuesday to next Monday.
Account - This allows you to display amounts of all expenses/revenues and worklogs of issues link to the selected account.
Label - This allows you to display cost of issues for the selected Jira Issue Label. (not available at the portfolio level). Only expenses with the specified label will be use to calculate issue cost.
Custom Field - All custom fields of the type SELECT and TEXT will be added as parameters. The options will be based on the values used by the folio items. This allows you to display amounts for the selected custom field values.
Folios - if this report is for a portfolio, configure the folios associated with this portfolio here.
Categories - Expenses or Revenues Categoriesto be included in the report.
Roles - Salary or Consulting service titles to beincludedinthereport.
Types - Expense or Revenue types to be included in the report.
To configure a Steering Committee report...
To configure a steering committee report in Tempo Budgets for Server, you need Folio Owner or Folio Administrator permissions:
Select your folio using Tempo>(folio name).
Click the Report tab at top (or press '5')
Select Steering Committee Report and click Show Report.
Configure the report:
Status as of - Status as of selected date.
Compare to - Reference Date that allows you to seeindices variations.
Label - This allows you to display amounts for the selectedlabel(not available at the portfolio level).
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