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To plan a revenue

To plan a revenue in  Tempo Budgets for Serveryou must be the Folio Owner or Folio Administrator:

  1. Select your folio using Tempo > (folio name).
  2. Using the top bar, view planned costs by selecting Revenue, and then Planned.
  3. Select Plan a revenue (a).
  4. Enter information about the revenue:
    1. Name - enter a name for this revenue
    2. Category - select either Operational Expenditures or Capital Expenditures.
    3. Type - select a type for the revenue.
    4. Amount - enter the amount of the revenue.
    5. Currency - enter the currency for the expense.
    6. Recurring - select Once, or select a period for a recurring revenue.
    7. Amortized - select this option to spread the revenue in equal amounts over a specified period.
    8. Account - select an account to link.
    9. Labels - select labels to add to the human resource.
    10. Description - add a description about this position.
  5. Click Plan to complete revenue planning, or select Plan another and click Plan to continue planning revenues.

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