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Tempo Tutorials

Managing a team using Tempo for Server

In this tutorial, you will create a team, link projects to it, plan the team’s time, and finally monitor the team’s capacity. You need Planner by Tempo to complete this task.

Tracking billable and non-billable hours using Accounts in Tempo for Server

In this tutorial, you will track hours worked for a customer, both billable and non billable, to support invoicing. You will create a customer, category, and accounts. Then you will link billable and non-billable issues to the accounts and log time to those issues. Finally, you will view all billable hours vs. non-billable hours. You need Timesheets by Tempo to complete these tasks.

Tracking billable and non-billable time using billable functionality in Tempo

In this tutorial, you will track time related to a customer, both billable and non-billable hours, to support invoicing. You will create a customer and accounts. Then you will link billable and non-billable issues to the accounts and log time to those issues. Finally, you will view all billable hours vs. the non-billable hours. 

Tracking CAPEX/OPEX using Tempo for Server

In this tutorial, you will track CAPEX and OPEX on worklogs. You will do this by creating accounts and linking them to Jira projects, issues, and worklogs. Then you will view all logged CAPEX and OPEX hours in a custom report.

Project Portfolio Management in Tempo Budgets

In this tutorial, you will create an account and link it to a management project. You will create a folio that tracks costs and revenue, associate the required skills and resources with the folio, and plan the costs and revenue. Finally, you will generate and view folio reports. You need Budgets by Tempo and Timesheets by Tempo to complete these tasks.

Tracking project finances in Tempo Budgets for Server

In this tutorial, you will learn how to track project finances by creating a folio that tracks cost and revenue for a project, associating the right skills and resources with the folio, and planning costs and revenues. You need Budgets by Tempo to complete these tasks. 

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