Workspace Dashboards
The Dashboards Library is the access point for viewing and creating Workspace Dashboards. To access the Dashboard Library go to Dashboards in the left-side navigation. Workspace Dashboards can include data from any Collection: SCHEDULED, PENDING, ARCHIVED and TEMPLATES.
1 | Manage data for multiple projects and packages |

Members see Workspace Dashboards in the Library as long as they have Project Observer access or higher at the Workspace level. Workspace dashboards are listed in alphabetical order.
+Dashboard creates the Dashboard. Enter a name and select a color. Project Manager access in the Workspace is required in order to create a Workspace Dashboard.
Use the 3-Dot Menu to open a dashboard, copy the link, duplicate or delete it. Project Manager access in the Workspace is needed in order to duplicate or delete a Workspace Dashboard.
See the Dashboards lesson to learn about components that are common across all Dashboards: View Mode, Design Mode, Layout, Widgets, Widget Groups, Settings, Scope and Filtering. The Widgets & Groups lesson can help you decide how to display your data.
Other lessons in the Dashboards Course are: Dashboards Library, Package Dashboards, Project Dashboards.
2 | Workspace Dashboard Scope & Filtering |

Scope sets the Dashboard’s boundaries. The default scope for a Workspace Dashboard is the SCHEDULED Collection (above, on the left). Scope can be changed to incorporate data from across the workspace. Changing scope to the Workspace would provide the greatest flexibility for designing a dashboard because Groups and Widgets could be scoped to different Collections, Packages, Projects and Sub-Folders.
Scope needs attentiondisplays when Groups or Widgets are accidentally scoped outside the Dashboard Scope. If you see this warning on a Workspace Dashboard, it may indicate that you should make a change. If you’re satisfied with the Dashboard Scope, then examine the Group and Widget Scope to correct the issue.
Filtering occurs within the Dashboard Scope. Setting Dashboard Filters is optional. Groups and Widgets inherit the Dashboard Scope and Filters. Filtering uses AND logic to identify items that meet all the Scope and Filter criteria. We recommend applying the broadest settings on the Dashboard and narrowing them down on the Group and Widget.
Scope and Filtering are located under Settings & Filter in Design Mode.
3 | Sample Groups & Widgets on the Workspace Dashboard |

There are two sample Groups and three Widgets on a Workspace Dashboard. The widgets are Package List, Workload, and Project List.
Clicking More Details on the Widget performs the action defined in its Settings. It can expand into a View on the Dashboard, open a Plan Item Edit Panel or navigate to another View in the Workspace.
Project Managers can use Settings to edit widgets without leaving View Mode. For more extensive customization, go into Design Mode. Here are some things to try:
Add more Widgets and Groups or Duplicate existing ones and change the scope and filters.
Change what happens when More Details is clicked on Widgets that have On-Click Settings.
Adjust the Layout by dragging Widgets and Groups to new locations on the Dashboard.
Apply Filters to Groups, and to the Widgets that have Data Filter Settings.
Scope Groups or Widgets to Packages, Projects and Sub-Folders.