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Restricted Members | LP Classic Support

Restricted members are people that hold a seat in your workspace, and are limited to viewing specific projects only.

Note that most members of the workspace should be set up as Full Members. This allows for greater transparency and minimizes the upkeep involved in maintaining access on a per project basis for each restricted member. Being a restricted member can be limiting and should primarily be used for clients or when there is sensitive workspace data.

Restricted Member Access Rules

The chart below explains the access rules that apply to restricted members in your workspace. In addition, you can also restrict members from being able to re-prioritize plan items.





Sees a client if:

  • Access is granted to at least one project for that client

  • Can associate a project to visible clients

  • Not able to create a new client


Sees a project if:

  • An administrator, manager, or full member grants the restricted member access to the project

  • The restricted member creates the project

  • Can add a new project and associate it to visible clients

  • Can assign it to any workspace member

  • Projects they create are by default granted projects

  • Being a member of the Project Team does not automatically grant them access to the project


Sees a gray sub-folder if:

  • It’s within a granted project

  • Can add a sub-folder within a granted project

  • Can assign it to any workspace member


  • Sees packages only if they contain tasks for a granted project

  • Won’t see any other tasks within a package unless the tasks are for a granted project

  • Can’t create or delete packages or backlog packages

  • Can assign existing packages to any workspace member


Sees a task, event or milestone if:

  • It’s in a project folder and they have been granted access

  • It’s in the Inbox and they are an owner (even if not associated to a granted project)

  • Can create tasks, milestones, and events within a granted project

  • Can assign them to any workspace member

  • Can’t create them within a package

  • Can track time and submit timesheets for tasks and events within a granted project

*See special Inbox rules below*


  • Sees the Inbox, even if it doesn’t contain any tasks for a granted project

  • Sees any task they own in the Inbox, even if it’s not associated to a granted project

  • Can create tasks, milestones, and events within the Inbox

  • Can assign them only to self if there is no project association

  • Can assign them to any workspace member if associated to a granted project


  • Sees comments, notes, documents and links for all visible plan items

  • Can add comments, notes, documents and links to all visible plan items


  • Sees everything you see when a dashboard is shared with them, including billing and pay (rate sheet) data

  • Sees data for projects they have not been granted access to if those projects are included on the dashboard

  • Can’t see or use the View Project Dashboard link in the edit panel (even if on the Project Team) unless they have been explicitly invited to the Project Dashboard

  • Can’t create a dashboard

  • Can’t edit a dashboard


Sees that a portal is opened and tasks have been shared, if:

  • It is a portal for a granted project

  • Can’t visit a project portal

  • Can’t enable new project portals


  • Sees all members of the workspace via the People tab and via all member pickers

  • Not able to invite people into the workspace


For Projects tab reports (Status, Project Workload, Remaining Trend, Total Trend, Date Drift) and the Resource Workload report on the People tab:

  • Sees data for projects where they have been granted access

  • When focused on the root of the workspace, the inbox or a package, these reports will include roll up data from projects where the Restricted Member has not been granted access

  • Does not see the Analytics tab


Setting Up Restricted Members

A restricted member signs into your workspace, but they will not see a task, event, or milestone unless:

  • It lives in a project that they have been granted access to

  • It lives in the Inbox and they own it

Keep in mind this means that Restricted Members will not be able to view a task, event, or milestone that has only been placed within a package, without a project association. The task, event, or milestone must also be placed within a project for which they have been granted access.

Inviting a person into your workspace as a restricted member

You can set the restricted access level and specific project access right up front as part of the member invitation process. This is also where to check or uncheck the box that allows you to restrict the member from reprioritizing plan items.


Converting an existing member to a restricted member

  1. Go to the People tab > Member List

  2. Select the appropriate workspace member on the left

  3. Select the member Access Controls tab

  4. Choose the Restricted Member access level

  5. Under Restrictions & Permissions, check the box if you want to allow this member to reprioritize plan items

  6. Check the boxes to grant access to specific projects – type the project name(s) into the search bar to find it quickly


Related Articles

Member Access Levels and Privileges
Inviting People Into Your Workspace
Restricting Members from Prioritizing

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