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Release Notes - February 2024

 Thursday, February 1 - Friday, February 2


  • Table View breaking when Tab key is pressed on Add Item Row

  • Searching for an item name in the current roadmap does not return matches within the same roadmap


Monday, February 5 - Friday, February 9


  • Unable to move milestones on the same lane in Timeline Error ”cannot read properties of undefined"

  • Deleting "shared with" users or teams causes the app to hang when re-adding users

  • Reviewers unable to edit comments on roadmaps shared with them

  • Duplicated roadmaps linked to the original mirroring changes.


Monday, February 12 - Friday, February 16


  • Users receiving multiple email notifications for feedback items they're tagged on

  • Item calendar shows a misalignment in the last line when there is a date selection

  • Fields and Activity tabs not displaying properly in the Item Card

  • Portfolio Roadmap Empty State Image Missing

  • Hover over in field selection dropdown causes a blank page


Monday, February 18 - Friday, February 23


  • Url links from Jira issue descriptions are broken after syncing into a roadmap

  • Parent Item date doesn't always update when the date is changed inside the Item card

Monday, February 25 - Friday, February 29


  • Cascade not working in timeline view

  • When moving row of items in timeline it does not stick after refreshing

  • GraphQL Error for Create Roadmap mutation but Roadmap is still created

  • Prevent User from Selecting Existing Child Items during New Sub-Item Flow

  • Text not displaying in Roadmaps integrated with Jira when using <>

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