Download and Print Options | LP Classic Support
This article explains some of the ways to save and print information from different views in LiquidPlanner.
Print a task list
Use the personal status report to get a printable view of a member’s task list for a specific date range.
Go to the Home tab.
In the Last Week widget, click on View My Status Report.
Select a date range, like This Week.
Use your browser’s print function to save or print the list.
Print a project status report
The project status report shows a high level overview for any item.
On the Projects tab, click the View Menu (Timeline).
Select Status.
Select the project you want to print in the left navigation.
In the report, click on the Print button.
A browser window will open with options to save the report as a PDF or print the report.
Download a view of the schedule bars
You can save or print a static view of the schedule bars (gantt chart) from the Projects tab by using the PDF Snapshot. Make sure to adjust your filters and columns before running the snapshot to get the precise view you’re looking for. Once you’ve downloaded the PDF, you can print it using your PDF viewer’s print function.
To download a CSV file of all of the current schedule dates and details, filter to the items you wish to capture and use Export Tasks to File.
Print a timesheet
Use your browser’s print function to save or print a personal timesheet. The printed document will include the same information that is viewable from the timesheet.
Print the edit panel
You can print the edit panel for an individual item. The document will include all of the information that is currently visible in the edit panel.
Open the edit panel for the plan item.
Click on the Full Screen button.
Click on the Print button.
A browser window will open with options to save the item details as a PDF or print the edit panel.
You can export the full collaboration content for a set of items by using Export Text and Files.
Download an Analytics report
The Download (PDF) option in Analytics will generate a PDF file that shows the data chart and data table in a single document.
Navigate to the Analytics report you wish to print.
Click Download in the upper right.
Select the Download (PDF) option.
Choose a paper size and orientation.
Click Save.
Once you’ve opened the downloaded file, you can use your PDF viewer’s print function to print it.
Print a dashboard
You can use your browser print function to save or print a static version of a dashboard. The left-hand dashboard navigation will be omitted from the version that you print, which maximizes the available space for your dashboard content.
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Exporting Projects and Tasks
Exporting Collaboration Content
Save a PDF Schedule Snapshot