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Release Notes - May 2020

Monday, May 25 - Friday, May 29

  • We fixed a bug so that feedback within the Customers panel—regardless of whether it’s attached to an active or inactive product area—shows up properly. 

Monday, May 18 - Friday, May 22

  • Collaborators and reviewers can now easily submit their own feedback to Roadmunk—in addition to submitting insights on behalf of users.

  • We launched a new compact redesign that enhances our feedback and idea management suite’s overall usability. Among other changes that tidy up the overall user experience, you’ll notice an increase in the number of feedback submissions and ideas that are visible at one time, as shown in the before and after GIF below.

  • We fixed a bug in the Feedback tab that was causing some @-mentions that were spaced out in paragraphs throughout the feedback to not render properly. Now, @-mentions are displayed correctly when spaced out on new lines. 

  • For users who don’t include a first and last name in their Account Settings profile, @-mentions will now populate with their email addresses instead.

Monday, May 11 - Friday, May 15

  • We made changes to email notifications for users who are @-mentioned within comments on a roadmap—as well as those who aren’t but are still shared on the roadmap—to ensure email notifications have the correct subject lines going forward. 

  • An issue that was causing the dates on some Parent and Sibling items to be cut off in the Sub-Items section of the Item Card has been fixed.

  • Some users were experiencing an issue where the @-icon wouldn’t show up after posting a comment that mentioned another user. Now, the @-icon shows up in the comment and mentioned users get notified correctly via email.

  • We continued to monitor and correct an issue that caused some @-mentions with multiple users not to load properly.

  • In the Ideas tab of the Customers module, users are now able to scroll to see all attached ideas thanks to an update.

Monday, May 4 - Friday, May 8

  • We fixed a bug that caused users who were assigned to the same item to receive email notifications when another member was added or removed. Now, only newly added members receive email notifications when they’re assigned to an item.

  • Some Account Admins using Chrome experienced issues with contacts from CSV uploads not appearing correctly after importing. Now, after a CSV upload is complete and the page is refreshed, the uploaded customers show up properly. 

  • We added inline error messaging to alert users who exceed the limit of 10,000 characters when submitting feedback through the Chrome extension. 

  • A bug that caused issues with @-mentions loading within the feedback inbox and idea card has been fixed. Users’ names that are @-mentioned are now loading properly in the feedback preview panel, as well as in the full feedback inbox view. 

  • We made changes to ensure that deleted fields in Jira-integrated projects can easily be removed from roadmaps. 

  • We fixed an issue where invited users weren’t redirected properly in Safari after successfully attaching their SAML credentials.

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