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Financial Manager by Tempo

Transform Timesheets data into real-time financial health metrics.

Featured articles

Creating a Financial Manager Project

Create Financial Manager projects to manage costs, revenue, and budgets.

Tracking CAPEX/OPEX Accounts

Track Capital Expenditures (CAPEX) or Operating Expenses (OPEX) in Financial Manager.

Enable Project Time Approval

Approve project hours directly from Financial Manager.


Get Started with Financial Manager

The quick-start guide to Financial Manager.

Setting up Financial Manager

Install and configure Financial Manager.

Creating a Financial Manager Project

Create Financial Manager projects to manage costs, revenue, and budgets.

Configuring Your Financial Manager Project

Customize your Financial Manager project.

Managing Financial Manager Projects

Review, manage, and share projects.

Creating Project Portfolios

Group and manage multiple Financial Manager projects.

Tracking Expenses and Revenue

Track and forecast expenses and revenues.


Gain insight into your financials and share your data.

Tempo Apps

Do more with integrations.

Additional Resources

Learn more about Financial Manager.


Tempo’s Early Access Program (EAP).

Release Notes

Find out about our latest updates.

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