Tracking CAPEX/OPEX Accounts
Tempo accounts that are categorized as Capital Expenditures (CAPEX) or Operating Expenses (OPEX) can be tracked in Financial Manager. Jira issues and Tempo Timesheet worklogs that are associated with these accounts are calculated based on the logged hours and the user rates defined in Financial Manager. Those calculated totals are displayed in a side panel that compares CAPEX vs OPEX activities.
Tempo accounts are available with four different account category types, each indicating how revenue and cost are calculated and handled:
Capitalized: for logging time related to CAPEX
Operational: for logging time related to OPEX
Billable: for logging billable time to customers or to internal customers
Internal: for logging time related to internal non-billable activities
Financial Manager imports Jira issues and Tempo Timesheets data associated with CAPEX and OPEX accounts and calculates expenditures based on the current cost rates. To be able use the CAPEX and OPEX data in Financial Manager, you must first:
Create an account category with the Capitalized Type and another one for Operational category type.
Create Tempo accounts that are in these categories.
Link those Tempo accounts to related Jira projects.
Link the Tempo accounts to issues in the Jira project, or directly to worklogs - see What's the Difference between the Account Field and the Account Work Attribute?
Log time to the Jira issues with these linked Tempo accounts.
Watch this video to learn how to track costs on Capex/Opex accounts:
And watch this video to learn how to create and use Capex/Opex accounts in Tempo Timesheets: