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Frequently Asked Questions for Jira Align and Timesheets by Tempo

Atlassian’s Jira Align team is decommissioning its native time-tracking service and picked Tempo to develop an integration for Jira Align. Atlassian recommends all Jira Align customers use Timesheets by Tempo.


What are the benefits of using Tempo’s integration for Jira Align?

With Tempo’s time-tracking data seamlessly integrated with Jira Align, you automatically get timely insights on how development teams spend their time - making it effortless to budget and track developer investments across product portfolios.

How does the integration for Jira Align work?

As work is completed by your teams in Jira Software, the integration seamlessly aggregates Tempo time data from Jira stories and multiplies it by an hourly rate. There are two options when setting the hourly rate:

- A blended rate: where the portfolio sets a blended spend rate by PI or Time Period.

- An individual’s hourly rate: this applies to each person working in your Jira system. Spend hours are automatically rolled up, and presented in the Accepted Spend column on the main Work Spend dashboard in your Jira Align Portfolio Room.

Data and Insights

What insights will I see in Jira Align with the Tempo integration?

Using the integration, you will be able to view developer investments in Jira Align by project, product, or portfolio.

How fast will the development investment data be available in Jira Align?

Tempo’s data is available in Jira Align in near-real time.

Will my developers notice any changes in Jira Software once the Jira Align integration is enabled?

Developers working in Jira Software but not Jira Align will notice one change once the integration is enabled: worklogs will no longer be anonymized in the History tab. The user associated with any new worklog or change will no longer be listed as "Tempo Timesheets", but as the actual user. This change enables the system to work out the spend by hour, and aggregate the spend data in Jira Align.

Prerequisites and Integration Setup

Are there any prerequisites for using the Tempo and Jira Align Integration?

Yes, you need to: a) Be an existing Tempo customer and b) Have a valid license for Timesheets by Tempo, Jira Software, and Jira Align.

How do I set up the integration?

To ensure success, the setup of the integration is a support-driven process. Please contact Tempo Support to enable the integration.

How much historical time data should be loaded into Jira Align for optimal insights?

Tempo’s Support team will conduct the initial load, importing data from the past 90 days. This is the recommended duration, but a shorter or longer duration can easily be requested. The processing time for the initial load will vary depending on the size of your data.


Are there any limitations?

To ensure reporting accuracy, Jira issues should not be set as non-editable. Worklogs cannot be synchronized to non-editable Jira issues. If the worklog is created, updated, or deleted in Timesheets when the Jira issue is in a non-editable state, the hours presented in Jira Align will remain unchanged and inaccurate, even though the data is correct in Timesheets.

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