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Logging Your Time in a Jira Issue

When you're working in Jira all day, it's easy to log your time right in the issue on which you're working.

Check our our video: How to Log Your Time from Jira Using Tempo Timesheets

To edit to your worklogs, see Editing Your Worklogs in a Jira Issue.

  • You can press the w key from anywhere within Jira to open the Log Time form and start logging your time. In some browsers, pressing w also toggles the Watch Issue option for the Jira issue.

  • To go to My Work from anywhere in Jira, press the g+t keys or click Go to My Work in the Log Time Form.

  • If you delete a Jira issue, the associated worklogs are also removed.

Before You Begin

  • Logging time for yourself requires the Work On Issues permission for the project to which the issue belongs.

  • Logging time for other team members requires the Log Work for Others permission.

  • To view all work logged against an issue, you need the View All Worklogs Jira project permission.

Log Time in the Main Jira Panel

  1. Click the Tempo icon at the top of the Jira issue to open the Tempo panel.

  2. Click the Log Time button in the central Tempo panel.

  3. Fill in the Log Time Form and log time. The panel on the right side of the Log Time form displays the worklogs that were logged for the day. To view an overview of your timesheet progress, click Go to My Work which takes you to your timesheet in My Work.


Log Time in the Issue Side Panel

  1. Click Open Tempo at the bottom of the issue's side panel to open the Tempo panel on the right side.

  2. Click the Log Time button in the Tempo panel on the right.

  3. Fill in the Log Time Form and log time.

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