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Selecting Tempo as Your Time-Tracking Provider

You need to have Jira Administrator Permissions to select Tempo as your time-tracking provider for Jira.

To be able to log time in Tempo Timesheets, you must select Tempo as the time tracking provider on your Jira instance. You can have only one time-tracking provider active at a time in your Jira instance. For example, once you have selected Tempo Timesheets as your time-tracking provider, you cannot also log time using Jira's native time-tracking tool. This means that all users on your Jira instance can either log their time with Tempo Timesheets or are not required to log time at all.

The only way to log time using both Tempo Timesheets and Jira's time-tracking tool is by using the Jira REST API and the Tempo REST API. If a worklog is created through Jira’s REST API, it will sync over to Tempo’s database overnight, and vice versa.

To select Tempo Timesheets as your only time-tracking provider:

  1. On the Jira main menu, select Jira settings and then select Issues.

  2. Under Issue Features, select Time tracking.

  3. From the Time tracking provider drop-down menu, select Tempo Timesheets.


  4. To configure time tracking settings, click Edit global settings and make the necessary updates.

For more information, see Configuring time tracking in Atlassian's documentation.

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