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Timesheets by Tempo FAQ

Why doesn’t the logged time doesn’t match the reported hours?

Tempo records time in seconds and then converts the seconds to hours with two decimal places, which involves rounding up or down.

If you suspect rounding errors in your reports, you can change the Date and Time Format to Units in Tempo Settings under UI Preferences.

Why do I receive an error about exceeding the worklog per issue limit?

You might also see a 413 Content Too Large error message.

Atlassian limits how many worklogs can be added to a Jira issue.

If you encounter this error, create a new issue to log time against. If you were logging time to a generic issue, consider splitting the issue into more discrete chunks to log time against.

You can also change how Tempo and Jira sync internal worklogs or move older worklogs to a different issue.

Why is the time logged to an Epic different between the Tempo panel in the Jira issue view and Tempo reports?

The Tempo panel in the Jira issue view displays hours for issues one level below the Epic. Tempo Reports include logged time for children and subtasks.

Does Tempo support Jira custom domains?

Yes, you can use Jira custom domains with Tempo Timesheets. Custom domains for other Atlassian products, such as Bitbucket, are not supported.

When using a Jira custom domain, you might experience additional page reloads while using Timesheets.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.