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Tempo Account Gadgets

Viewing data in the Tempo Accounts gadgets requires the Approve Timesheets permission for any team.

The Tempo Account gadgets are intended for Managers with the Approve Timesheets permissions for any Tempo team. The account gadgets show worklog and Tempo Account data.

Gadget Name


Account Hours by Customer

Displays all logged hours to the customer's accounts. The data can be displayed using pie chart, column chart, or table.

Total Hours

Displays total hours, for a period by Account/Categories/Customer. The data can be displayed using pie chart, column chart, or table.

Account Custom Budget Burn-up Chart

Displays a burn-up chart of the account's customized goal for the selected period. 

Account Monthly Budget Burn-up Chart

Displays a burn-up chart of the account's monthly budget for the selected period.

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