To install Timesheets
Before you begin, choose a compatible version of Timesheets by consulting the compatibility table. You can get a free trial of Timesheets and replace the evaluation license with a purchased license at a later time. You can install Timesheets from within Jira by using the Universal Plugin Manager.
To install Timesheets, you need Jira System Administrators permissions:
Log in as a user with the JIRA Administrators global permission.
Click on the gear icon at top-right and select Add-ons.
On the left sidebar, click on Find new add-ons.
Search for Timesheets with the Search the Marketplace field.
In the 'Timesheets for JIRA' section, click Free trial or Buy now, and follow the instructions to download Timesheets.
Jira's Universal Plugin Manager can automatically select the latest version of Timesheets that is compatible with your versions of Jira, Jira Agile, and Planner by Tempo. Alternatively, you can choose an earlier version of Tempo Planner to install from the Atlassian marketplace.