Confluence Macro
Add your Gantt chart to a Confluence page with the Gantt Confluence macro.

The Gantt macro requires an additional add-on for Confluence: Confluence Helper for Structure
Adding a Gantt Macro to a Confluence Page
To add the Gantt macro to a Confluence page, in the Confluence menu select the Plus icon and search for gantt.

If the Gantt macro does not appear in the search results, your system administrator may need to install the Confluence Helper for Structure app.
Initial Configuration
Before you can add the Gantt macro to your Confluence page, you need to configure it.

Structure - Defines the structure to load Gantt data for. Please note, only structures with Gantt charts already created are listed.
Baseline - Specifies whether or not to include a Baseline in the macro.
Visible Rows - Defines how many rows of your structure will be visible in the chart at a time. (To see additional rows, you can hold Shift+Left Mouse Button and drag the chart.) Set this value to "0" to display all available rows. Please note, the macro height may increase significantly if there are a lot of rows.
Hierarchy Level - Defines how many levels to expand the structure and display in your chart. "0" means no expansion at all. Please note, it is not possible to manually expand and collapse structure nodes within the macro.
Start From - Specifies the first date that will be visible on the chart. You can choose from Project Start, Custom Date and Today. If you select Today, the chart will be drawn starting from today, or you can specify a number of days to show prior to today.
Zoom Level - Specifies the zoom that will be used to represent the chart. Available options are: Days, Weeks, Months, Quarters, Years.
Item Information and Chart Details - These allow you to choose which details will be shown on your exported chart. These are similar to the display options available for your actual chart under the Display Options menu (see Gantt Chart Elements).
WBS - Specifies whether the work breakdown structure should be included next to the chart in the macro. Please note, Issue Key and Summary are the only columns supported by the Gantt macro at the time.
Width - If WBS is enabled, this allow you to specify the width (in pixels) of the included structure.
Refresh Interval - Specifies how often the macro should refresh itself and fetch new data from Jira. By default, this is set to "never", i.e. to update the chart data you need to manually refresh the macro from the macro menu or by refreshing the page itself.
Depending on your Jira and Confluence configuration, before you can configure the Gantt macro, you may be asked to log into your Jira account and approve macro data access.
Editing Configuration for an Existing Macro
To change the configuration for existing macro, open the Confluence page in edit mode, select the Gantt macro, and click the Edit icon (pencil).