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Viewing Team Capacity

  • Team Timeline is a Classic Team Planning feature that was made "Legacy" Feature in Tempo Capacity Planner 7.13.0. Classic Team Planning features are disabled by default for version 7.13.0 and later.

  • Enabling the Classic Team Planning features requires the Tempo Administrator permission.

  • To view the capacity of a team you're in, you don't need any special permissions.

  • Users with the View Team Plans permission for the team can view the following information about each team member in the Capacity Report:
    The team member's required hours, planned hours, and unplanned hours in the team.
    The team member's total required hours, total planned hours, and total unplanned hours across all teams in the company, even if the users do not have the View Team Plans permission for the other teams.

The Capacity Report shows the planned hours and time available for your team. You can see how much of a team member's time is planned by the team, and how much of their time is used up by other commitments. You can also view the effective size of the team, which is useful if some team members do not work full-time on the team.

Access the Capacity Report in Planning. Capacity measures the time planned relative to the time available. When viewing capacity for a team, the time available is calculated based on each team member's commitment to a team and your organization's workload scheme. For example, if a regular work week for a full-time employee is 40 hours/week, and a team has three members with 100% commitment and one member with a 50% commitment, then the full capacity for the team is is 140 hours/week.


Only when you plan for your team in the Team Timeline will the hours be counted as Team planning hours and be calculated in the Team Capacity Report.

To view the capacity for a team:

  1. Click  at the top-right, and then select Timeline. Click the Capacity tab. 

  2. Make sure you are viewing the desired team. You can select a team by clicking the team name field, and then selecting select the team you want to view.

    capacity - team selector.png

  3. Select Team or Total at the top-right of the report:

    1. Team - Shows the capacity for each team member in this team. 

    2. Total - Shows the total capacity for each team member across teams. The total capacity includes their planned time for other teams. 

  4. To change the dates shown, use the period drop-down to select from Daily, Weekly, Monthly, and Quarterly, and use the < and > arrows to navigate forward or backwards one period at a time.

  5. Use the buttons at the top-left to select the information to view:

    1. Planned - View the planned time for the team in hours and as a percentage of their total capacity. This report only accounts for members' available time for the currently selected team. Team members can be over-allocated in another team if their memberships are divided.

    2. Time Available - View the unplanned time for the team in hours.This report only accounts for members' planned time for the currently selected team. Members can have available time in another team if their memberships are divided.

    3. Effective Team Size - View the effective team size, which is calculated based on the total number of team members and their capacity. You can modify the membership and capacity of any team in Teams.

Team capacity.png
  • If too much time is planned for a team member, the times show up in yellow.

  • In the Planned view, you can see the number of hours already planned for a team member in each period, as well as the total number of hours the team member is supposed to work. You can also see what percent of the total capacity has been planned.

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