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Gantt Attributes in Structure

Once you've created a Gantt chart, you can view and utilize its attributes within the corresponding structure. Gantt attributes can be turned into structure columns, used in formulas or transformations, or even written to Jira fields using Effectors.

Gantt Attributes as Structure columns

To see all the available Structure.Gantt attributes and their meanings, see List of Gantt Attributes Available in Structure.

It is not possible to use Gantt attributes in Structure Automations.

Additionally, Gantt attributes should not be used in any formula that is used by Structure.Gantt, such as Manual Start/Finish Dates or Progress, as this could result in an infinite loop.

Adding a Gantt Attribute Column to a Structure

To add a Gantt attribute to your structure, click the + icon to the right of the column headers to create a new column in the structure. Scroll down to the Gantt section, or begin typing the attribute name in the search field, and select the desired attribute.


Viewing Attribute Values from a Baseline or Sandbox

You can also view attribute values from a baseline or sandbox. To do so, add the appropriate Gantt Attribute column, open the column configuration, and select the Source.

Using Gantt Attributes in Formulas

Structure.Gantt attributes can also be used in Structure formulas. Simply enter a new variable into your formula and assign it to the appropriate Gantt attribute.

Using Gantt Attributes in Structure formulas

To learn more about using formulas and variables in Structure, see Formula Columns.

Using Gantt Attributes in Transformations

Using Transformations, you can sort items in your structure by their Gantt attributes. To do so, open the Transformations panel and select Add Transformation | Sort.

Adding a Transformation

In the Sort by... menu, select Attribute...

Sort by Attribute

Use the drop-down or search to select the appropriate Gantt Attribute.

Selecting Gantt attributes

Once you click apply, your items will now be sorted accordingly.

Structure sorted by Gantt start date

You can also group items by some Gantt attributes using the Group by | Text Attribute transformation.

Updating Jira With Effectors

Gantt attributes are only available within Structure.Gantt and Structure; however, it is possible to write Gantt values to Jira fields, using Structure Effectors. This way, these values can be viewed and utilized by anyone, whether they have access to Structure or not.

See Attribute to Issue Field Effector for more information.

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