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Release Notes - January 2021

Monday, January 25 - Friday, January 29


  • Now you can surface your most important fields and bring related fields together—all right within the item card!


  • If you use our Jira integration, epic links are now updating properly after an API update by Jira caused syncing issues.

  • Error messages, be gone! 🙅‍♀️ We squashed a bug that was causing some users to see error messages related to character length when trying to publish roadmaps.

  • We resolved a date settings issue that was manipulating the placement of items on the Swimlane visualization where headers were date-based.

Monday, January 18 - Friday, January 22


  • You now have the ability to favorite roadmaps so you can easily access your most-used roadmaps and keep everything organized! ⭐️


  • We've increased some limits for Feedback and Idea management on our Business, Professional, and Enterprise plans! You can now add a total of 25 custom factors in Idea Prioritization, and 50 product areas in Products and Components. 💪 


  • Items will now properly move if a dependency is pointed to a key date on one of the items.

Monday, January 11 - Friday, January 15


  • Thanks to a bug fix, descender letters (ex: q, y, p, g) are no longer cut off on Swimlane items.

Monday, January 4 - Friday, January 8


  • Account Admins are now able to generate their own field, roadmap, and user reports! Reach out to for this to be enabled on your account. 

  • Introducing a Select All button on the Items Table! This is a great way to bulk update items or push multiple items to Jira at once. 🎉


  • When hiding fields on a published roadmap, now the dropdown of options only includes fields present on the roadmap, as well as Jira fields (if integrated). 

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