Copying a Structure
With the Copy action, you can create a full copy of a structure, and, optionally, clone every issue in the structure.
If you need to copy only a part of a structure, create a new empty structure and use Issue Clipboard to copy a part of the structure.
Create a Copy
To create a copy of a structure, open the Manage Structures page using the top navigation Structure menu. Find the structure you'd like to copy and click the Copy link in the Operations column.

If you don't see Copy in the Operations column, you probably do not have permissions to create new structures.
The Copy Structure page will show you the information about the structure, including its size and the number of issues, generators, and synchronizers it contains. If the structure contains automation, you can click the Calculate link in the Visible Content section to execute the generators and see the generated content statistics.

Copy settings
Select the following options for copying the structure:
Choose whether or not to include Quick Transformation and/or Notes column data.
Choose how to handle generators and generated content, if the structure has any:
Copy generators to the resulting structure – the new structure will contain copies of the generators from the original structure, which will generate the same content. This is the default.
Replace all generators with the generated content – the new structure will contain only the generated content (issues, folders, etc.) and not the generators themselves (so the content will not automatically update with Jira changes).
Do not copy generators – the new structure will contain only the non-automated content from the original structure. The generators and generated parts will not be copied.
Choose if you'd like to copy synchronizers, if the structure has any. If you don't see a Copy Synchronizers option, either the structure does not have any synchronizers or you do not have permission to create synchronizers. See Copying Synchronizers for more details.
Choose if you'd like to clone issues (see Copy vs. Clone). If yes, enter the additional parameters for the cloning process.
Once you've made you selections, press Copy Structure or Start Cloning.
The New Structure
The new structure is created with the following properties:
Structure name is automatically set to "Copy of <old structure name> (<date of copy>)".
Structure description is copied.
View settings are copied.
You become the owner of the copied structure.
If you have Control access level to the original structure, permission rules are copied. Otherwise, permission rules for the new structure are empty (it is a private structure). To share the new structure, add permission rules.
You can immediately edit the new structure's properties on the screen with the copy result.
Copy vs. Clone
When copying a structure, you can choose to have the new structure use the same issues as the original structure or clone the original issues (create copies). The following chart explains the differences:
| Copy Structure | Copy Structure & Clone Issues |
Selected answer for Clone Issues? | No | Yes |
New structure created? | Yes | Yes |
New structure contains: | same Jira issues as the original structure | clones (copies) of the issues from original structure |
Quick? | Yes | No, a background process is launched to do issue cloning |
Permissions required: | View access to the original structure | View access to the original structure |
For details about configuring and running cloning, see Copying Structure and Cloning Issues.