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JSM Assets (Insights)

Assets (formerly Insights) allows you to create, manage, and assign attributes to your assets: from hardware and software to offices, licenses, etc. For example, you might add object types for your hardware: servers, computer, mobile phones. And for each object type, you could have multiple assets, such as each employee-issued computer. And for each of those assets, you can create attributes such as model, ram, IP address, user, etc.

With Structure, you can utilize these assets and attributes within columns, formulas, and group generators. 

Key benefits to using Assets with Structure

Visualize assets in Structure columns

  • Inline editing is available

Use assets and attributes within formulas. Using the syntax asset.attribute, you can return specific information about the asset.

  • employee > returns the employee name
  • employee.role > returns the employee's role
  • > returns the employee's laptop's serial number

Group by assets and asset attribute values:

  • Group by assets with the Group generator, and update asset values by dragging items from one group to another
  • To group by an asset attribute, use the Group by Attribute generator and use the asset.attribute syntax
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