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Editing Worklog entries in the Jira Issue View

Editing your own worklogs requires the Edit Own Worklogs permission for the issue it belongs to. Editing worklogs for other team members requires the Edit All Worklogs permission for the project the issue is in.

The Tempo panel includes a list of worklogs for the selected issue. You can edit these worklogs as long they are within an open period. You can change the hours logged, move logged hours to another issue, split the hours between two issues, and delete worklogs.

To edit worklogs in the Jira Issue view, click the ellipsis (...) at the right in the worklog you want to edit, and then select the desired option.

Editing the Worklog Details

You can edit the worklog information, for example, if an incorrect amount of hours was logged on the issue.

  1. Select Edit on the worklog's option menu.

  2. The Log Time dialog box is displayed. You can change the description, date, time, hours worked, and remaining estimate.

  3. Click Update to save your changes.

Moving Logged Hours from One Issue to Another

If time was logged on the wrong issue, you can move the hours logged on that issue to another issue. This will save you from deleting the worklog and creating a new one.

  1. Select Move on the worklog's option menu.

  2. In the Move Worklog dialog box, select the issue to which you want to move the hours.

  3. If required, enter a new remaining estimate for the target issue.

  4. If required, update the associated account or any other work attribute. This can impact your historical records or audits.

  5. Click Move. The time logged is moved to the issue you selected.

Splitting Worklogs Between Two Issues

Splitting allows you to cut one worklog into two.

  1. Select Split on the worklog's option menu.

  2. In the Split Worklog dialog box, select the issue to which you want to move hours.

  3. In the Worked box, select hours that should be logged on the target issue.

  4. If needed, enter a new remaining estimate for the target issue.

  5. Click Split. The time is divided between both issues. 

Deleting Worklogs

Deleting your own worklogs requires the Delete Own Worklogs permission for the project the issue belongs to. Editing worklogs for other team members requires the Delete All Worklogs permission for the project the issue is in.

  1. Select Delete on the worklog's option menu.

  2. In the confirmation box, click Delete.

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