Updating Project Scopes
If you are the Project Owner or have been invited to collaborate on the project, you are notified in the Scope view when issues or tasks are added or removed from the project scope.
You can sync the project scope with Jira or Structure immediately from the notification or wait until later.
You can open the Jira issue navigator directly from the Scope menu to view the issues. If your project scope is based on a structure, you can also open the structure from the Scope menu.
You can view details for the most recent sync to see exactly what changed.
Update a Project Scope
A project can grow to include up to 30,000 issues as the scope of your project changes over time.
Larger scopes can take multiple minutes to sync.
Select Sync Scope from the Scope drop-down.
Tempo displays a list of all added and deleted tasks. Click Sync to update your project scope.
Tasks are added to the bottom of the issue list in the order provided by the filter or structure.
The date of the last sync is shown in the project list.
View the List of Jira Issues in Your Project Scope
Select View Filter in Jira or View issues in Jira from the Scope menu.
Tempo opens the Jira Issue Navigator for the project in a new tab.
View the List of Structure Tasks in Your Project Scope
Select View Structure from the Scope menu.
Tempo opens the structure for the project in a new tab.
Sync Your Project Scope Automatically
If your project status is In Planning or In Progress, you can automatically sync your project scope using the Configure Auto Sync option. This takes you to your project settings, where you can enable Auto-Sync Scope.
If your project is On Hold or Completed, the auto-sync feature is Inactive. If it was enabled while the project was active, then the Configure Auto-Sync option is Inactive.
If you are the Project Owner, you can change the Jira filter or structure you are using to define the project scope. This is especially useful if you’ve imported the wrong one.
When you change the project scope, you are only switching the Jira filter, structure, Jira project selection, or Jira epic selection.
You retain any groupings you created to define the project.
If the new scope you select includes any of the same issues, they are automatically grouped as they were originally.
You can also switch between scopes.
Project Scope Sync Schedules
Projects can be synced daily or weekly between midnight and 2:00 AM (00:00-02:00).
Daily - Scope Sync is scheduled to occur Monday through Friday in the timezone of the person who enables auto-sync scope in the project. If you need to capture changes that occurred on Friday, either run a manual scope sync on Friday or wait for the Monday sync.
Weekly - Scope Sync is scheduled to occur weekly on Sunday.
The last time a project was synced is listed in the Project List.
Projects with auto-sync scope enabled have a calendar icon in front of the last sync date. You can view the next scheduled sync if you hover over the icon.
If you manually sync the project, the Project List shows the manual sync, and the auto-sync occurs as scheduled.
Skipped Scope Syncs
The automatic project scope sync only occurs when the scope has changed. If the number of tasks in a project hasn’t changed from the last sync, the sync does not occur, and the Last sync date does not change.
Set your project to sync the project scope automatically
Open a project and click Configuration.
You can also open this from the Scope menu in the Scope tab.In General, select how frequently you want the project scope to sync with Jira or Structure.
Daily - Scope Sync is scheduled to occur Monday through Friday between midnight and 2:00 AM (00:00-02:00) in the timezone of the person who enables auto-sync scope in the project.
Weekly - Scope Sync is scheduled to occur weekly on Sunday between midnight and 2:00 AM UTC (00:00-02:00).
Off - Scope Sync only occurs when you manually sync your project scope.
The project now has a calendar icon in front of the last sync date. You can view the next scheduled sync if you hover over the icon.
Change the Project Scope
Select Change Scope from the Scope drop-down located at the top-right.
Select how you want to import issues from Jira:
Jira Filter - Use this option when you want to use a JQL query to curate the issues to track. You can select a preexisting Jira filter or create a new one.
Structure - Use this option when you have created a structure with the issues you want to track.
Jira Projects - Use this option when you want to track all the work done in specific Jira projects. You can select multiple Jira projects; however, Financial Manager can report on up to 10,000 issues.
Epics - Use this option when you want to track specific Jira epics.
Search or select items, select them from the list, and click Apply.
If you selected a Jira Filter, your favorite filters appear at the top of the list in alphabetical order. All other filters are ordered alphabetically.
The list displays only the Jira filters, structures, Jira projects, and Jira epics you can access.