Automatically Sync Your Project Scope
Save time and effort by automatically syncing your project scope with the Jira filter or structure used to create the project. You can view updated scope and labor costs without manually syncing your projects. This allows your Financial Manager project to more accurately reflect the status of your project based on new work performed or planned for the project.
Before You Begin
You can automatically sync projects that are In Planning or In Progress.
The project scope sync begins around midnight in the timezone of the person who enables auto-sync scope in the project.
If a project is On Hold or Completed and Auto-Sync Scope is not enabled, the Auto-Sync Scope option is not displayed on the General Settings page.
Project Scope Sync Schedules
Projects can be synced daily or weekly between midnight and 2:00 AM (00:00-02:00).
Daily - Scope Sync is scheduled to occur Monday through Friday in the timezone of the person who enables auto-sync scope in the project. If you need to capture changes that occurred on Friday, either run a manual scope sync on Friday or wait for the Monday sync.
Weekly - Scope Sync is scheduled to occur weekly on Sunday.
The last time a project was synced is listed in the Project List.

Projects with auto-sync scope enabled have a calendar icon in front of the last sync date. You can view the next scheduled sync if you hover over the icon.
If you manually sync the project, the Project List shows the manual sync, and the auto-sync occurs as scheduled.
Skipped Scope Syncs
The automatic project scope sync only occurs when the scope has changed. If the number of tasks in a project hasn’t changed from the last sync, the sync does not occur, and the Last sync date does not change.
Set your project to sync the project scope automatically
Navigate to Financial Manager.
Open a project and click Configuration.
You can also open this from the Scope menu in the Scope tab.In General, select how frequently you want the project scope to sync with Jira or Structure.
Daily - Scope Sync is scheduled to occur Monday through Friday between midnight and 2:00 AM (00:00-02:00) in the timezone of the person who enables auto-sync scope in the project.
Weekly - Scope Sync is scheduled to occur weekly on Sunday between midnight and 2:00 AM UTC (00:00-02:00).
Off - Scope Sync only occurs when you manually sync your project scope.
The project now has a calendar icon in front of the last sync date. You can view the next scheduled sync if you hover over the icon.