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Manage User Roles & Permissions

In order to better manage your team members and ensure that the correct team members have the correct level of access to specific Strategic Roadmaps features and actions, we recommend reviewing the different roles that account users can have and the types of permissions that these users can have assigned to them.

Permissions Overview

There are four types of roles that can be assigned to a user in Strategic Roadmaps: 

  1. Reviewer

  2. Collaborator

  3. User Manager

  4. Account Admin

Each role has its own level of permissions to access the application's features and actions. 


Users who are set up with Reviewer licenses are able to:

  • View and comment on roadmaps that are shared with them in the Roadmaps module

  • Submit feedback through the Feedback module

  • View and comment on Ideas in the Ideas module

  • Add new customers and contacts in the Customers module

This role is built for users who only require oversight into products and do not require the ability to build and edit roadmaps (such as director or executive level team members). This role is also well suited for those who provide input into the products in-flight, whether through feedback submission or commenting on active roadmaps (such as customer-facing team members).


Users who are set up with Collaborator licenses are able to do everything Reviewers can, plus:

  • Create, manage, and own roadmaps in the Roadmaps module

  • Actively collaborate on roadmaps with team members on their account in the Roadmaps module

  • Create, manage, and own roadmap & account fields in the Roadmaps module

  • Create, manage, and own products & components in the Feedback and Ideas modules

  • Create and manage custom factors in the Ideas module 

  • Edit and remove customer and contact details in the Customers module

This role is the most common for a majority of users, as it provides team members with the tools necessary to build boardroom-ready roadmaps based on team-reviewed, customer-submitted feedback and ideas. 

User Managers

Users who are set up with User Manager licenses are able to do everything Collaborators can, plus:

  • Add and manage Reviewer and Collaborator user accounts

  • Create and manage teams

  • Access the Users and Teams tabs in the Account Settings

This role is best suited for team leaders in an organization who want to onboard and manage their team.

Account Admins

Users who are set up with Account Admin licenses are able to do everything User Managers can, plus:

  • View, update, share, re-assign, or remove any roadmaps on the account

  • View, update, share, merge, promote, archive, or remove any field in the account

  • Access the CompanyPermissions, and Billing tabs in the Account Settings

  • Toggle collaborator and reviewer access for Feedback and Ideas on and off

This role is best suited for administrators or team leaders in an organization who want to onboard their team and manage roadmaps at the departmental level.

In-App User Permissions Overview

Working in tandem with these roles, there are three distinct permissions that users can be assigned when handling content within the application: Owner, Editor, and Viewer. These user permissions can be applied at the roadmap level to determine how Reviewers, Collaborators, and Account Admins interact with Strategic Roadmaps features and functions.

For example, users with a collaborator license can be assigned any of the three user permissions on a roadmap (Owner, Editor, and Viewer) because they are able to create, own, and manage roadmaps.

User permissions at a glance

The table below shows which user permissions can be assigned to each user role.











User Manager

Account Admin


User Permissions in Roadmapping

User permissions determine how Reviewers, Collaborators, User Managers, and Account Admins can each interact with a particular roadmap.

Roadmap Sharing & Ownership

Only Collaborators, User Managers, and Account Admins can create and own roadmaps. Every roadmap in Strategic Roadmaps has an Owner role, which is automatically assigned to the person who creates the roadmap.

Transferring Roadmap Ownership

A roadmap Owner can transfer ownership of a roadmap to another Collaborator, User Manager, or Account Admin. Roadmaps can have only one Owner at a time. When ownership is transferred, the original Owner automatically becomes an Editor (see Sharing roadmaps).

Sharing Roadmaps

Roadmap Owners can share their roadmap with any user in the same Strategic Roadmaps account.  

  • Account Admins - When an Owner shares a roadmap with an Account Admin, the Account Admin is automatically added as an Editor.

  • User Manager and Collaborators - When an Owner shares a roadmap with a User Manager or Collaborator, they can choose whether to add them to the roadmap an Editor or a Viewer

  • Reviewers - When an Owner shares a roadmap with a Reviewer, they can only add them to the roadmap as a Viewer

Sharing permissions can be edited at any time by the roadmap Owner or by any Account Admin on their account. For more details, check out our article on managing roadmaps.

Deleting Roadmaps

Roadmap Owners can delete any roadmap they own, while Account Admins can delete any roadmap in their team's Strategic Roadmaps account. For more details, check out our article on managing roadmaps.

User-Specific Permissions on Roadmaps

Roadmap Action






View Roadmap



Add comments & mentions

Add, Edit, & Delete Items & Milestones


Create, Promote, & Remove Fields


Apply Filters


Create New Views


Export Views to PNG/HTML

Publish Roadmap to URL


Export Items to CSV


Share Roadmap


Change Share Permissions



Change Roadmap Owner



Rename Roadmap


Duplicate Roadmap


Delete Roadmap



Because of their special permissions, Account Admins can do everything an Owner can do even if the roadmap hasn't been shared with them. 

User-Specific Permissions on Portfolio Roadmaps

Roadmap Action








View Portfolio Roadmap



Edit Portfolio Roadmap


Set & Update Sources



Change Layout


Apply Filters



Export Portfolio Roadmap to PNG/HTML


Publish Roadmap to URL


Export Items to CSV



Share Portfolio Roadmap



Change Portfolio Roadmap Owner



Rename Portfolio Roadmap



Duplicate Portfolio Roadmap



Delete Portfolio Roadmap



An Editor on a Portfolio Roadmap is only able to edit items rolled-up into the Portfolio from roadmaps that they already own or have permission to edit. Account Admins can do everything an Owner can do even if the Portfolio Roadmap hasn't been shared with them, with the exception of setting and updating sources.

Field permissions

Field permissions determine how Reviewers, Collaborators, User Managers, and Account Admins can each interact with a particular field. Unlike with roadmaps, users are assigned as Team Members on a specific field. For more details on how fields work in Strategic Roadmaps, check out our articles on field management here.

Field ownership

Only Collaborators, User Managers, and Account Admins can be added as Team Members on fields. The person who creates a field will automatically be assigned as a team member on that field.

Sharing Fields with Team Members

Unlike roadmaps, fields can't be shared with Reviewers. They can be shared only with Collaborators, User Managers, and Account Admins in the same Strategic Roadmaps account. 

Editing and merging fields

Any user can edit and merge fields they are a team member on.

NOTE: To merge fields, a user must at least be a team member on the source field. If values are added to the destination field as a result of the merge, the user must also be a team member of the destination field (for more details, check out our article on merging fields). 

Deleting Fields

Any user can delete a field they're a team member on. Account Admins can delete any field in a Strategic Roadmaps account, regardless of whether it's been shared with them or not. For more details, check out our article on Promoting & Archiving Fields.

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